Chapter 103
277 decoding other parts of the connectome is thereby accelerated
Joshua T. Vogelstein, "Q&A: What Is the Open Connectome Project?," Neural Systems & Circuits, November 18, 2011.
278 scans of body parts, tracks blood flow in the brain to neurons
"s.h.i.+ny New Neuroscience Technique (Optogenetics) Verifies a Familiar Method (fMRI)," Discover Magazine, May 17, 2010.
279 take in blood containing the oxygen and glucose needed for energy
Ibid.; Leonie Welberg, "Brain Metabolism: Astrocytes Bridge the Gap," Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10, no. 86 (February 2009): 86.
280 difference between oxygenated blood and oxygen-depleted blood
"Major Advance in MRI Allows Much Faster Brain Scans," ScienceDaily, January 5, 2011.
281 identify which areas of the brain are active at any given moment
"s.h.i.+ny New Neuroscience Technique (Optogenetics) Verifies a Familiar Method (fMRI)," Discover Magazine.
282 discoveries about where specific functions are located in the brain
Pagan Kennedy, "The Cyborg in Us All," New York Times Magazine, September 18, 2011.
283 at the University of Cambridge in England
David Cyranoski, "Neuroscience: The Mind Reader," Nature, June 13, 2012.
284 select pictures that are then displayed on the iPhone's screen
Kennedy, "The Cyborg in Us All."
285 empower users to control objects on a computer screen
Katia Moskovitch, "Real-Life Jedi: Pus.h.i.+ng the Limits of Mind Control," BBC, October 9, 2011.
286 "muscle rhythms rather than real neural activity"
Clive Cookson, "Healthcare: Into the Cortex," Financial Times, July 31, 2012.
287 headset to allow thought control of other electronic devices
Moskovitch, "Real-Life Jedi."
288 approach to build wheelchairs and robots controlled by thoughts
Cookson, "Healthcare: Into the Cortex."
289 Four other companies
Moskovitch, "Real-Life Jedi."
290 that enable soldiers to communicate telepathically
Kennedy, "The Cyborg in Us All."
291 devoting more than $6 million to the project
292 target date for completion of the prototype device is 2017
"Pentagon Plans for Telepathic Troops Who Can Read Each Others' Minds... and They Could Be in the Field within Five Years," Daily Mail, April 8, 2012.
293 According to Nick Bostrom
Nick Bostrom, "A History of Transhumanist Thought," 2005,