Chapter 105
Quest Means Business, CNN transcript, November 8, 2012,; Nick Gla.s.s, "Pitch Perfect: The Quest to Create the World's Smallest Hearing Aid," CNN, November 9, 2012,
311 woman who was not a candidate for traditional reconstructive surgery
"Transplant Jaw Made by 3D Printer Claimed as First," BBC News, February 6, 2012,
312 field of transplantation because of the current shortage of organs
313 regenerative medicine scientists at Wake Forest University
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, press release, "Lab-Engineered Kidney Project Reaches Early Milestone," June 21, 2012; Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, press release, "Researchers Engineer Miniature Human Livers in the Lab," October 30, 2010.
314 precisely copied the size and shape of the windpipe
Henry Fountain, "A First: Organs Tailor-Made with Body's Own Cells," New York Times, September 16, 2012.
315 sensed the matrix of the scaffolding being broken down
Henry Fountain, "Human Muscle, Regrown on Animal Scaffolding," New York Times, September 17, 2012.
316 developing silicon nanowires a thousand times smaller
Elizabeth Landieu, "When Organs Become Cyborgs," CNN, August 29, 2012.
317 which the U.S. shares with all other countries besides Iran
Stephen J. Dubner, "Human Organs for Sale, Legally, in... Which Country?," Freakonomics blog, April 29, 2008,
318 transplantation into people living in wealthy countries
"Organ Black Market Booming," UPI, May 28, 2012.
319 "the longest chain of kidney transplants ever constructed"
Kevin Sack, "60 Lives, 30 Kidneys, All Linked," New York Times, February 19, 2012.
320 "organ donor" as one of the items to be updated
Matt Richtel and Kevin Sack, "Facebook Is Urging Members to Add Organ Donor Status," New York Times, May 1, 2012.
321 the process to print more advanced artificial limbs
Ashlee Vance, "3-D Printing Spurs a Manufacturing Revolution," New York Times, September 14, 2010.
322 using it to make numerous medical implants
"The Printed World," Economist, February 10, 2011.
323 print vaccines and pharmaceuticals from basic chemicals
Tim Adams, "The 'Chemputer' That Could Print Out Any Drug," Guardian, July 21, 2012.
324 essentially the same product
Eric Topol, The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How the Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care (New York: Basic Books, 2012), ch. 10.
325 activated by s.h.i.+ning a laser light on them from outside the body
Avi Schroeder et al., "Remotely Activated Protein-Producing Nanoparticles," Nano Letters 2, no. 6 (2012): 268589; George Dvorsky, "Microscopic Machines Could Produce Medicine Directly Inside Your Body," io9, July 29, 2012,
326 Specialized prosthetics for the brain
Cookson, "Healthcare: Into the Cortex."