Chapter 95
Les Hymenomycetes, ou description de tous les Champignons (Fungi) qui croissent en France; C. C. Gillet. Alencon, 1874-1902.
(Contains descriptions of all known French Hymenomycetes, ill.u.s.trated by 1907 coloured plates, 8vo. In French.)
Figures peintes de Champignons de la France; L. Lucand, 1884-1889.
(A series of beautifully executed figures, mostly Agarics, on 425 plates 4to size. The number of copies was in the first instance very limited, and prepared only for subscribers. No descriptive text; names and synonyms given on the plates.)
Die Pilze Schlesiens; J. Schroeter. Breslau, 1889.
(This work const.i.tutes Vol. III. part I. of Cohn's Kryptogamen-Flora von Schlesien, and contains full descriptions of all Agarics indigenous to Silesia. In German.)
Icones selectae Hymenomycetum nondum delineatorum; Elias Fries.
Stockholm, 1867.
(An indispensable work to the student of the Agaricaceae, containing descriptions and coloured figures of numerous species on 200 4to.
plates. Written in Latin.)
Fungi Tridentini novi, vel nondum delineati, descripti, et iconibus ill.u.s.trati; J. Bresadola. Tridenti, 1881-.
(This work contains very full descriptions of new or critical species, mostly Agarics, which are ill.u.s.trated in colour on 217 plates, 8vo.
Written in Latin. This work appears in parts at irregular intervals, and is still going on.)
Flore Mycologique Ill.u.s.tree. Les Champignons des Alpes-Maritimes; J. B.
Barla. Nice, 1888-1892.
(An excellent work, 4to size, containing coloured ill.u.s.trations of new, rare, or critical Agarics on 64 plates. In French.)
Revision des Champignons tant superieurs qu'inferieurs trouves jusqu'a ce jour dans les Pays-Bas; C. A. J. A. Oudemans. Amsterdam, 1893.
(Vol. I. of this work contains descriptions and valuable original comments of all the Hymenomycetes, Gasteromycetes, and Hypodermei met with in Holland. Written in French.)