Chapter 48
A. _Gills free._
=Volvaria=. Volva present; ring absent.
=Annularia=. Volva absent; ring present, often falling away.
=Pluteus=. Volva and ring both absent.
B. _Gills adnexed, rarely adnate._
=Entoloma=. Gills sinuate behind; edge of pileus incurved when young; stem fibrous or fleshy.
=Nolanea=. Stem cartilaginous; pileus campanulate, edge straight and adpressed to stem when young.
=Leptonia=. Stem cartilaginous; pileus convexo-plane, edge incurved at first; gills soon separating from stem.
C. _Gills decurrent._
=c.l.i.topilus=. Stem central, fibrous; edge of p. incurved at first.
=Eccilia=. Stem central, cartilaginous; pileus umbilicate.
=Claudopus=. Stem excentric, minute, or absent. Species minute, membranaceous.
* _Pileus dry, silky, or fibrillose._
=bombycina=, Schaeff. P. 9-18 cm. campan. then exp. and sub.u.mb. white, silky-fibrillose; g. flesh-colour; s. 7-14 cm. solid, attenuated, glabrous, white, volva ample; sp. 6-7 4.
[=regia=, Fr. P. convex then exp. white or with a reddish tinge, glabrous, dry; g. crowded; s. white or tinged yellow, solid, glabrous; ring persistent; volva white, large.
=volvacea=, Bull. P. 5-7 cm. campan. then exp. obtuse, grey or greyish-yellow, virgate with adpressed black fibrils; g. flesh-colour; s. 5-9 cm. solid, subequal, white, volva large; sp. 6-8 3.5-4.
[=arenaria=, Otth. P. campan. exp. umb. silky fibrillose, whitish brown, disc darker, dry; g. crowded, near to stem, subventricose; s. rather s.h.i.+ning, whitish, base thickened; volva mostly adherent, laciniate, brownish.
=Loveiana=, Berk. P. 5-7 cm. convex, obtuse, white, silky; g.
pinkish-salmon; s. bulbous, narrowed upwards, solid, white, volva irreg.
lobed; sp. 4-5 3.
Parasitic on _c.l.i.tocybe nebularis_.
=Taylori=, Berk. P. 3-5 cm. conical then obtuse, livid, edge paler, striately cracked; g. narrowest behind; s. 4-5 cm. equal, solid, whitish; volva lobed, brownish; sp. 5 3.5-4.
Differs from _V. volvacea_ by gills being narrowed behind, and small brown volva.
[=grisea=, Q. P. flexuous, silky-villose; g. crisped, h.o.a.ry; s. short, tomentose; volva trilobed; sp.
[=murinella=, Q. P. campan. villose, grey; g. remote, ventricose; s.
slightly striate, white; volva 3-4 lobed, white; sp. 6-8 3-4.
[=hypopithys=, Fr. Small. s.h.i.+ning white. P. conical then campan. dry, silky; g. white then flesh-colour; s. solid, equal, p.u.b.escent, adpressedly silky; volva bilobed; sp. 6-8 4.
** _Pileus more or less viscid and (one species excepted) glabrous._
[=rhodomela=, Lasch. P. campan. then exp. somewhat sooty, squamulose, viscid; g. reddish; s. solid, attenuated, delicately floccoso-downy then almost glabrous; volva small, floccose.
=speciosa=, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. P. soft, campan. then exp. obtuse, glabrous, viscid edge even, white or disc greyish; g. flesh-colour; s. 10-18 cm.
subbulbous, solid, attenuated, villose, white; volva lax, villose; sp.
14-16 8.
[=theiodes=, Saut. P. campan. then exp. citrin, mealy, with deciduous squamules, broadly umb. edge sulcate; g. free, broad; s. hollow, fuscous.
=gloiocephala=, D. C. P. 7-11 cm. campan. then exp. umb. glutinous, sooty, edge striate; g. reddish; s. 8-14 cm. solid, glabrous, whitish, tinged brown below; volva adnate except a small free margin; sp. 10-12 6-7.
=viperina=, Fr. P. persistently conical, acute, grey; g. tinged yellow then flesh-colour; s. solid, equal, closely sheathed by the thin volva.
=media=, Schum. P. 3-5 cm. exp. obtuse, viscid, silky when dry, white or disc tinged brown; g. rosy; s. 4-7 cm. solid, equal, glabrous, white; volva lobed; sp. 5 3.5.
Intermediate in size between _V. speciosa_ and _V. parvula_; differs from former in glabrous s. and volva, and from latter in solid stem.
=parvula=, Fr. White. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. campan. then plane, umb. disc often tinged brown; g. flesh-colour; s. 2-3 cm. equal, subfistulose, silky; volva lax, usually 3-4 lobed; sp. 5 3.5.
var. _biloba_, Cke. S. stuffed, p.u.b.escent; volva bilobed.
=temperata=, Berk. P. 1-1.5 cm. convex then exp. and umb., disc tinged tawny, rest whitish, striate; g. pale salmon; s. 1.5-2.5 cm. whitish, volva rather large, lobed; sp. 4 2.5.
=laevis=, Krombh. P. 4-6 cm. convex sub.u.mb. whitish; g. free, narrowed behind, becoming pale flesh-colour; s. 4-6 cm. base swollen, white, ring large, free; sp. subgl. 7-8.
[=Fenzlii=, Schulz. P. ovate then exp. sulphur then egg-yellow; g.
ventricose, rosy; s. soon hollow, subattenuated, sulphur below the median ring.
[=alutacea=, Pers. P. campan. obtusely umb. glabrous, tan; g. crowded; s. glabrous, ring lax.
[=xanthogramma=, Ces. P. convex, umb. squamulosely punctate from the umbo, milk-white with densely crowded yellow striae; g. very broad, crowded; s. stuffed, thin, obsoletely annulate below middle.
=transilvanica=, Schulz. P. campan. striate to vertex, whitish, apex darker, edge lobed; g. crowded, unequal; s. hollow, paler than p., flocculose, ring complete, membranous.