Chapter 54
=chloropolius=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. exp. striate, livid, centre with black squamules; g. adnate, pallid; s. 4-5 cm. even, bluish-green; sp. rough, 7-8 5. (12-14 6-8 Sacc.)
[=pallens=, Karst. P. convex exp. disc slightly depr. glabrous, livid, pale and s.h.i.+ning when dry; g. adnate, seceding; s. pallid, glabrous; sp.
rough, 9-10.
[=melleo-pallens=, Karst. P. convex, entirely striate, glabrous, s.h.i.+ning, brownish honey-colour then pale; g. soon free, edge darker; s.
colour of p. base with white down; sp. rough, 13-15 10-11.
***** _Gills grey or glaucous. Pileus hygr. substriate._
=asprella=, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. exp. glabrous or fibrillose, striate, umbilicus downy then squamulose, sooty then livid grey; g. adnate, equally narrowed to the edge; s. 3-4 cm. slender, even, glabrous, livid, tinged green or blue; sp. 10-12 6-8.
[=scabrosa=, Fr. P. exp. umbilic. from the first, not striate, squamulose, sooty-brown, then grey, hygr.; g. adnate, segmentoid, grey; s. even, apex with black points and white meal.
=nefrens=, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. exp. then infundib. hygr. rather wavy, livid sooty, depression darkest, pale when dry; g. broad, edge blackish, entire; s. 2-3 cm. glabrous, livid fuscous; sp. 4-5 3.
Differs from _L. serrulata_ in entire edge of g. and absence of black points at apex of s.
[=sarcita=, Fr. Fragile. P. exp. radiato-striate, uniform, hygr. torn into fibrillose scales, smoky, h.o.a.ry when dry; g. linear, thick, distant, glaucous; s. short, glabrous; sp. 10-12 8.
****** _Gills white._
[=Kervernii=, Guern. P. fleshy-ochre or buff-yellow, dotted with flecks; g. free, ventricose; s. slightly squamulose, s.h.i.+ning white, often compr.
base cottony.
[=Queletii=, Boud. P. white with scattered rosy-amethyst flecks; g.
white then rosy; s. white then yellowish; sp. rough, 14.
[=sericella=, Bull. s.h.i.+ning white. P. silky; g. flesh-colour; s.
slender, fibrillose.
[=Gillotii=, Q. Diaphanous, becoming hyaline white. P. striate, umbil.
tinged olive; s. fistulose, silky, base white-downy; sp. rough, 9.
[=parasitica=, Q. Pruinose, s.h.i.+ning white. P. orbicular; g. sinuate, white then rosy; s. arcuate, apex dilated.
[=aemulans=, Karst. P. convex, umbil. innately squamulose, grey, opaque; g. adnate, broad, smoky; s. glabrous, dusky livid, base whitish.
Resembles _c.l.i.topilus vilis_.
c.l.i.tOPILUS, Fr.
I. ORCELLI. _Gills deeply decur. Pileus irreg. subexcentric, wavy, scarcely hygr. edge at first flocculose._
=prunulus=, Scop. Smell like new meal. P. 5-9 cm. compact, convex and regular then wavy, dry,
2-3 cm. ventricose, naked, striate, white; sp. 7-8 5. Edible.
=orcella=, Bull. Smell like new meal. P. 5-7 cm. soft, plano-depr.
irreg. from first, silky, rather viscid when moist, yellowish-white; g.
crowded; s. 2 cm. flocculose, thickened upwards; sp. 7 4.
=mundulus=, Lasch. P. 3-5 cm. plano-depr. unequal, dry, white; g.
closely crowded, narrow; s. 2-3 cm. floccosely villose, white, becoming blackish inside; sp. 10 5.
[=pseudoorcella=, Fr. P. exp. depr. even, somewhat fuscous, but silkily h.o.a.ry; g. broad, distant, greyish white; s. solid, short, outside and inside greyish-brown.
=popinalis=, Fr. Entirely grey. P. 3-5 cm. flaccid, rather wavy, glabrous; g. crowded, dark grey; s. 3-4 cm. equal, naked; sp. rough, 4-5.
=undatus=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. deeply umbil. wavy, fragile, sooty grey, pale and silky opaque; g. dark grey; s. 2-3 cm. hollow, colour of p.; sp.
rough, 6-8. (10-12, Quel.)
var. _viarum_, Fr. P. often excentric, greyish h.o.a.ry, s.h.i.+ning, with darker zones.
[=concentricus=, Gill. P. convex, umbil. edge wavy, greyish or reddish with brown broken concentric lines; g. reddish grey; s. pale reddish with abundant white down at base.
=cancrinus=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convex-umbil. then exp. unequal, flocculose, smooth, pale reddish-white; g. decur. distant; s. 2 cm. tough, glabrous, white; sp. rough, 5-6.
=cretatus=, B. and Br. P. 1-2 cm. convex then umbil. thin, dead white but s.h.i.+ning, edge incurved; g. very decur.; s. 4-6 mm. white; sp. subgl.
4-5. (7 3 Phil., 11-12 long, Quel.)
[=lentulus=, Karst. P. plano-depr. often irreg. rather silky, rather viscid when moist, whitish; g. decur. closely crowded, narrow, pallid; s. solid, equal, wavy, flocculose, pallid; sp. rough, 2-4.
II. SERICELLI. _Pileus regular silky or hygr.-silky, edge involute, naked. Gills adnate, slightly decur._
=carneoalbus=, Wither. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. convex then exp. and depr. edge drooping, white, polished; g. crowded; s. 2-3 cm. equal, solid, white; sp. rough, 7-8.
[=angustus=, Pers. P. convexo-plane, sub.u.mb. grey, silky-s.h.i.+ning when dry; g. tinged flesh-colour; s. glabrous, white, base incurved, downy; sp. 7-8 5.
=sarnicus=, Ma.s.s. P. 2-3 cm. becoming plane, sub.u.mbonate, grey, silky; g. plane then suddenly decurrent near the stem, reddish; s. 2-3 cm.
flexuous, white, smooth; sp. nodulose, 7-8 6.
[=nidusavis=, Secr. P. plano-umb. floccosely-scurfy, greyish brown, at length wavy; g. broad, thickish, white then flesh-colour; s. flocculose, thickened at both ends, base with white down; sp. 8-9 6.
[=hydroionides=, Cesati. Tough, violet then grey. P. convex, obsoletely umb. hygr.; g. adnato-decur. whitish; s. hollow, short, even.
=vilis=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convex, umbil. slightly striate, grey, silky-flocculose; g. crowded, white then greyish; s. hollow, fibrillosely striate, grey; sp. 7-8 6.
[=ionipterus=, Cesati. P. plano-depr. glabrous, violet; g. adnato-decur.
bluish; s. solid, pallid, cracked into fibres outside.
[=cicatrisatus=, Lasch. P. convex, umbil. glabrous, not striate, rivuloso-rugulose when adult, fuscous; g. broad, pallid; s. even, base strigose, rooting.
[=neglectus=, Lasch. P. convex then umbil. not striate, floccosely-fibrillose, whitish ochre then pallid; g. adnato-decur.; s.
solid, weak, whitish.
=straminipes=, Ma.s.s. P. 3-5 cm. fragile, whitish, s.h.i.+ning, soon exp. and depr.; g. whitish then rosy; s. 3-5 cm. straw-colour below, mealy above, hollow; sp. rough, 10-12.
=stilbocephalus=, B. and Br. P. 2-4 cm. campan. obtuse, edge straight, yellowish-white or greyish, sparkling with atoms; g. veined, adnate or emarginate; s. 4-7 cm. silky-fibrous, white; sp. rough, 12 7-8.