Chapter 43
A. MESOPUS. _Pileus entire. Stem central._
* _Pileus and stem fleshy and solid._
=cibarius=. Every part opaque yellowish-buff. P. 3-7 cm. wavy then turbinate, glabrous; g. thick, distant; s. 3-5 cm. narrowed below; sp. 9 5-6.
Edible. Smell none when fresh, like apricots when kept for some time.
Sometimes all whitish.
var. _rufipes_, Gillet. Flesh pale ochraceous, s. rufous at base.
[=amethysteus=, Q. P. thick, egg-yellow, edge flocculose violet flesh-colour; g. reticulate, yellow; s. obconic, colour of p.; sp. 11 long.
=Friesii=, Q. P. 2-3 cm. convex then depr. villose, somewhat orange; g.
fold-like, branched, yellow; s. 2 cm. slender, downy, base white, narrowed; sp. 6-7 2-3.
With gills of _C. cibarius_ and habit of _C. aurantiacus_.
=aurantiacus=, Fr. P. 2-4 cm. thin, depr. soft, subtomentose, dingy orange then pale; g. crowded, dichotomous, orange, rather broad; s. 1-2 cm. expanding upwards, orange, base often dark; sp. 10 5.
Poisonous. Perhaps should be placed under _c.l.i.tocybe_.
[=hypnorum=, Brond. P. campan. tomentose, yellowish or pale ochre; g.
decur. branched, yellow; s. slender, solid, wavy, almost glabrous, yellowish.
[=rufescens=, Fr. P. plano-depr. almost glabrous, gilvous, thin; g.
crowded, thin; s. elongated, stuffed, narrowed upwards.
[=olidus=, Q. (= _C. rufescens_, Q. not Fr.) P. fleshy, edge downy, white, convex then cyathiform, flesh white then pinkish; g. decur.
pinkish; s. rosy; sp. 3-4 long.
Taste sweetish. Smell of burnt sugar when dry.
[=brachypodes=, Chev. P. thin, infundib. almost glabrous, fuscous; the short stuffed stem and straight gills yellowish.
=Brownii=, B. and Br. P. rather fleshy, convex, sub.u.mb. pale ochre then reddish; g. very narrow, simple or forked, whitish; s. 3-5 cm. slender, tough; sp. 7 5.
Gills very narrow, vein-like, hardly decur.
[=subdenticulatus=, Mont. Small, entirely apricot colour. P. rather scurfy, convex and umb. then subdepr. edge spinously toothed; gills fold-like, thickish, decur.; s. solid, flocculose above, base narrowed; sp. globose.
[=parvus=, Otth. P. infundib. fibrously scaly, brownish-grey; g.
fold-like, scarcely prominent, yellowish; s. slender, twisted, greyish-yellow,
=carbonarius=, A. and S. P. 3-6 cm. umbil. bay then blackish, striato-squamulose; g. straight, narrow, white; s. 2.5 cm. paler than p.
rooting; sp. 14-15 7-8.
Fasciculate, 2-3 pilei often appearing to spring from a branched stem.
=umbonatus=, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. thin, umb. then depr. flocculose, blackish grey; s. 5-7 cm. equal, paler; g. straight, crowded, white; sp.
10 4-5.
Resembling an Agaric in habit.
=albidus=, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. infundib. wavy, glabrous, pallid, sometimes indistinctly zoned; g. dichotomous, white; s. 2-3 cm. solid, subequal, glabrous; sp. ----.
Tough, sometimes tinged brown or yellow.
[=longipes=, Lamb. P. centre prominent, edge thin, upturned, dry, even, chestnut; g. fold-like, decur. closely crowded, forked, yellowish; s.
long, pale grey.
[=Turrissi=, Inz. Straw-colour. P. fleshy-waxy, hygr. convex then digitaliform, often umbil.; g. decur. white, thick, fold-like, simple, rarely branched; s. white, ventricosely fusiform.
** _Pileus submembranaceous; stem tubular, polished._
=tubaeformis=, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. infundib. wavy, lobed, flocculose, brownish then pale; g. thick, distant, much branched, smoky yellow, not pruinose; s. 4-7 cm. hollow, glabrous, lacunose, tawny-orange; sp. 9 6-7.
var. _lutescens_, Fr. P. convex, umbil. almost regular, nearly glabrous; g. less divided. Connects present sp. with _C. infundibuliformis_.
var. _lutescens_, Fr. P. convex, umbil. almost even and regular; g. less divided.
Differs in more equal stem narrowed upwards.
Connects _C. tubaeformis_ with _C. infundibuliformis_.
=infundibuliformis=, Fr. P. 2-6 cm. thin; infundib. floccoso-rugose, smoky yellow then pale; g. thick, dichotomous, greyish yellow, pruinose; s. fistulose, even, glabrous, yellow; sp. 9-10 6.
=cinereus=, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. thin, infundib. open at base, blackish grey, villosely-squamulose; g. thick, distant, grey; s. 3-5 cm. paler than p.; sp. 7 5. (15-8 Sacc.)
Resembling _Craterellus cornucopioides_ but having distinct gills.
[=leucophaeus=, Nouel. P. thin, tough, infundib. glabrous, brownish umber; g. distant, simple, mixed with dichotomous ones, white; s.
stuffed, thin, even, colour of p.
=cupulatus=, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. plano-infundib. wavy, hygr. pallid fuscous or brownish, flocculose when dry; g. very distant, branched, grey; s. 2-3 cm. stuffed, polished, colour of p.; sp. 7 5.
=Houghtoni=, Phil. P. 2-3 cm. convex, umbil. wavy, whitish; g. slightly decur. narrow, tinged pink; s. 3-5 cm. equal, whitish, stuffed; sp. 7 4.
=Stevensoni=, B. and Br. P. 5-8 mm. orbicular, umbil. pallid, smooth; g.
decur. pallid; s. 1-1.5 cm. slender, cylindrical, white then darker, pulverulent; sp. ----.
=replexus=, Fr. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. campan. convex, exp. and inversed, striate, brown then grey; g. adnato-decur. veined, branched, distant, white or glaucous; s. 3-5 cm. fistulose, glabrous, thickened upwards; sp. ----.
Habit of a _Mycena_ but g. thick and fold-like.
var. _devexus_, Fr. P. cucullate; s. stuffed; g. simple, grey.
[=hygrophanous=, C. P. Laest. P. infundib. punctate, hygr. edge involute, obtuse; g. decur. branched, edge obtuse; s. fistulose, tough, silky-s.h.i.+ning.
[=coriaceus=, Preuss. P. depr. rusty brown, edge rather wavy and then incurved; g. vein-like, forked, pale yellow; s. stuffed, thick, pallid.