Chapter 34
[=hortensis=, Pers. Caespitose, elastic. P. exp. obsoletely umb. sooty, blackish; g. decur. white then flesh-colour; s. hollow, rather wavy.
[=tabescens=, Scop. (= _Coll. tabescens_, Fr.). P. conico-campan. exp.
umb. depr. round umbo, tawny honey-colour, or tawny-brown, disc scaly; g. decur. pallid then pinkish tan; s. fibrillosely scaly, pallid or lurid yellow, elongated; sp. 8-10 5-7.
Closely resembling _Armillaria mellea_, but no ring on stem.
[=anapacta=, Pers. P. depr. wavy, brown, edge incurved; g. broad, dingy tan; s. narrowed below, pallid.
=elixa=, Sow. P. 5-9 cm. unequal, wavy, disc umb. smoky buff, edge paler; g. distant; s. 3-5 cm. solid, dingy, subfloccose; sp. 7 4.
=fumosa=, Pers. Tufted. P. 3-5 cm. subcartilaginous, obtuse, wavy, sooty brown then pale; g. adnate, livid; s. 5-8 cm. often twisted, dingy, apex minutely mealy; sp. subgl. 5-6.
Differs from _C. elixa_ in obtuse, non-virgate p.
[=effocatella=, Viv. Caespitose. P. convex, even, glabrous, livid chestnut or umber; g. adnate, crowded, white; s. naked, ventricose below.
=tumulosa=, Kalchbr. Tufted. P. 2.5 cm. umb. even, umber then pale; g.
soon greyish; s. 8-12 cm. solid, dingy, floccosely pruinose; sp. ----.
=pergamena=, Cke. Tufted. P. 2-5 cm. convex then plane, sub.u.mb. pallid; g. broadly adnate with decur. tooth, white; s. 8-12 cm. whitish, apex squamulose; cartilaginous; sp. ----.
[=humosa=, Fr. P. fragile, exp. wavy, fuscous; g. adfixed, both ends narrowed; s. short, whitish like the gills.
[=adunata=, Secr. Tufted, foetid. P. exp. gibbous then depr. white becoming spotted red then rufous, becoming viscid; g. decur. crowded, eroded, dingy red; s. stout, twisted, narrowed below, whitish.
=cryptarum=, Letell. Tufted. P. somewhat conical, flocculose, spotted brown; g. decur. narrow, white; s. white, striate.
A doubtful species.
[=hebepodia=, Fr. P. exp. depr. unequal, even, grey then pale; g. decur.
white; s. woolly, white.
[=connata=, Schum. s.h.i.+ning white. P. conical exp. unequal, moist, obtuse umbo disappearing; g. unequally decur. narrow, crowded; stems numerous, hollow, collected at base into a tuberous ma.s.s.
=opaca=, Fr. White. P. 3-6 cm. umb. often depr. and wavy, minutely flocculose; g. closely crowded; s. 3-5 cm. fibrillose, wavy; sp. ----.
Differs from _C. cerrusata_ in umbonate p.
=occulta=, Cke. P. 3-5 cm. depr. virgate, viscid, disc smoky rest
=monstrosa=, Sow. P. 3-5 cm. umb. wavy, opaque white; g. adnato-decur.
creamy; s. 2-4 cm. opaque white, streaked; sp. ----.
=marzuola=, Fr. P. compact, exp. subdepr. even, wavy, dusky; g.
unequally decur.; s. stout, short, white.
*** INFUNDIBILIFORMES. _Pileus fleshy at disc, thinner towards the margin, becoming deeply umbilicate or infundibuliform._
+ _Pileus coloured, or becoming pallid, silky._
=gigantea=, Sow. (= _Pax. giganteus_, Fr.) P. 12-20 cm. infundib.
whitish or tinged tan, edge coa.r.s.ely striate; g. closely crowded; s.
pallid, solid, glabrous, 3-5 cm.; sp. 5 3.
=maxima=, Fr. 12-25 cm. infundib. sub.u.mb. whitish or tinged tan, edge even; g. deeply decur.; s. 7-10 cm. compact, fibrillosely striate, whitish; sp. 6 4.
=infundibiliformis=, Schaeff. P. 4-7 cm. convex, umb. then infundib.
yellowish pink then pale, innately silky; g. deeply decur.; s. 5-7 cm.
thinner upwards, pallid; sp. 5-6 3-4.
var. _membranacea_, Fr. P. not umb.; s. equal; altogether more slender than type.
[=squamulosa=, Pers. P. obtuse, tan, squamulose, at first obtuse, deeply infundib.; g. decur. distant, white; s. narrowed upwards, elastic.
[=nauseosodulcis=, Karst. Very foetid when old. P. irregular, convex then plane, glabrous, often areolately squamulose, entirely clay-colour; g. decur. pallid; s. excentric, rarely central, usually unequal and curved, solid, whitish; sp. 7-8 5.
Connato-caespitose, resembling _Pleurotus sapidus_.
[=Panizzii=, Barla. Caespitose. P. convex then umbil. or infundib. white or grey, edge lobed, wavy; g. thin, narrow, striately decur. pale or tinged rose; s. long, wavy, white; flesh elastic, white.
=trullaeformis=, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. obtuse then infundib. edge spreading, greyish brown, floccosely villose; g. decur. connected by veins; s. 4-5 cm. striate, grey; sp. ----.
Differs from _C. cyathiforme_ in pure white flesh and gills.
=incilis=, Fr. P. 4-5 cm. plane then umbil. or infundib. margin silky, incurved, crenate, brick red; g. white then pallid, connected by veins; s. 1-2 cm. base narrowed, red; sp. 7 4.
[=pulla=, Gill. P. depr. then infundib. glabrous, hygr. brown then pale; g. united by veins, lilac grey; s. swollen at base which is downy, colour of p. white-fibrillose below, wavy.
Near _C. obbata_, which differs in striate margin, equal s. and distant gills.
[=lenticulosa=, Gill. P. exp. umbil. then infundib. dry, reddish orange, tuberculose near the even edge; g. crowded, white then tinged rose, finally colour of p.; s. solid, paler than p.
Differs from _C. lentiginosa_ in solid s. and edge of p. not striate.
=sinopica=, Fr. Smell strong, mealy. P. 2-3 cm. brick red then pale, plane then umbil. at length flocculose; g. closely crowded, white then yellow; s. red, fibrillose, 3-5 cm.; sp. ----.
Differs from _C. incilis_ in solid stem, even edge of p. and yellowish g.
[=Arnoldi=, Boud. P. depr. then infundib. wavy, subtomentose, minutely squamulose, ochrey brick-red; g. whitish; s. colour of p. fibrillose below; sp. 9-11 5-6.
[=lentiginosa=, Fr. P. plane, deeply umbil. with concentric zones of minute tubercles, yellowish ochre; g. deeply decur. yellow; s. hollow, equal, yellowish fuscous.
=parilis=, Fr. P. 1.5-2 cm. disc depr. edge involute, greyish white, ornately flocculose; g. narrow, greyish white; s. 2.3 cm. fibrous, sooty; sp. ----.
++ _Pileus coloured or pallid, glabrous._
=geotropa=, Bull. P. 5-12 cm. plane then infundib. obtusely umb. pallid; g. crowded, white then pallid; s. 7-12 cm. solid, fibrillose, flesh white; sp. 6-7 4-5.