Entering The Long Cloud Sect
With everyone in agreement, Lin Mu and his companions were quickly guided to the sect. The High elders had taken notice of the old woman Ku Waowen, who was kept unconscious and realized who she was just from a look.
It was evident that it was not their first time seeing someone from the northern tribes.
Lin Mu noticed their look and asked, "have you seen people of the Northern Tribes here too?"
"No… well, not recently at least. The last time I saw them was about eight hundred years ago, in the last skirmish that we had with them." Elder Sunsen replied.
"You fought in that battle?" Lin Mu questioned with curiosity.
"Everyone did. No sect held back in any skirmish that happened with the northern tribes. We didn't want them to take one step into the Continent." Elder Sunsen answered.
"Hmmm… seems like that didn't really work out. They did find a way in and have now spread all over the empire." Lin Mu said in a straight tone.
The High elder did not give a response to that but Lin Mu could feel that he was thinking about it deeply now.
'Hopefully, seeing all this will make them consider everything seriously.' Lin Mu thought.
Lin Mu and all passed through a barrier that opened up for them in the sky. He could tell that this was the main barrier that prevented anyone from entering the Long Cloud sect.
'It's a decently strong barrier, several times stronger than the Tri Cauldron Peony sect's and about the same level as that of the Ripple Mist Sect.' Lin Mu analyzed.
Finally, Lin Mu could see the Long Cloud sect in its full glory. Unlike most other sects, the Long Cloud sect was not based on mountain peaks. Instead, it was spread around in a vast plain and looked like a winding dragon that was swallowing a cloud.
The cobblestones that paved the roads on the ground were all white and made it look like there was a cloud below.
"Oh?" Lin Mu's senses picked something when liking over the thousands of buildings.
He narrowed his eyes as spatial perception activated and his vision extended past the earth.
'The entire area below the sect is hollow, and that spirit Qi… are all their spirit stone mines artificially placed?' Lin Mu noticed.
He could also see the vast and intricate formation array that was used to channel spirit Qi to the entire sect on the surface. In fact, the tiles and stones that were laid on the ground themselves functioned as components of the array.
It was a different format and style of formation array that Lin Mu got to see today.
The sect was based on the shape of a dragon and the area where the head of the dragon was had the most spirit Qi while the area where there was the tail had the least amount of spirit Qi.
They had entered from the tail and were now traveling straight towards the head. Lin Mu could see that most of the bigger buildings were located on the head area and the general buildings were closer to the middle area.
The areas were also separated with barriers that were invisible but were demarcated by tall walls that prevented one from seeing into the next area. Overall, there were three areas, the outer court sect, the inner court sect and the core of the sect.
If one were to make an outline of the sect, the dragon would be contained in an oval shape and a curved line would demarcate an area around its head. This was the core of the sect and the smallest area.
Then there was another curved line that demarcated the inner court sect, which was the second biggest area, and then the rest of the area left was the outer court of the sect, which was the biggest area.
Lin Mu could tell that the Long Cloud sect was one of the more planned sects and was not constructed just as it grew. It was in a way similar to the Noon Grass sect, as in how they made their own peaks, but still different.
While Lin Mu and the high elders were passing through the sky, they were noticed by the disciples who were on the ground. Since flying was prohibited in the sect for most people, it was very easy to notice.
"Look! Who's that?"
"Those robes… they're high elders, senior elders and general elders."
"I've seen them before! That's High Elder Sunsen and High Elder Jinn." A few disciples said, seeing them fly.
"What!? Why are they out here? And who's the other people with them."
"Heavens! Look at that beast!" An outer court disciple exclaimed.
"How is that beast following them without a problem and the elders are fine with it?"
"Perhaps it's a tamed beast?"
It was certain that Little Shrubby was rather stunning to most disciples.
"Are you dumb! Do you really think a beast as strong as that can be tamed easily? See its cultivation base." An inner court disciple scoffed.
"Damn! That beast is at the very peak of the Adult Soul stage of the Nascent soul realm. I can feel the spirit Qi fluctuation all the way here." Another Inner court disciple realized.
"I know, right? Just that beast along is strong enough to be a Senior elder."
"Who's the other people with them, though?" Someone asked.
"That man is rather wild looking. Look at his arms, they are four times as mine." A short female disciple said, feeling charmed.
"Forget him! That Young man is rather handsome." A Female disciple spoke with glitter in her eyes.
"OH MY! I've never seen someone as handsome as that in our sect!" Soon, a lot of other female disciples noticed Lin Mu as well.