Chapter 65
JORGE, dimin. JORGITO. _Span._ George.
JOROBADO. _Span._ A hunchback. The verb _jorobar_ means "to worry."
JUEZ. _Span._ A judge.
JUMAL. _Arab._ Friday. More correctly, _jum_'_a_.
JUNTA. _Span._ and _Port._ An a.s.sembly, meeting, council, governing body.
JUNTUNo. _Rom._ A listener, spy, sneak. From _junar_, _junelar_, to listen. P. ii. 221; Pp. 497; M. viii. 75.
JUSTICIA. _Span._ A legal tribunal, or the magistrate or magistrates who const.i.tute it. _Absol_, justice.
KAFIR. _Arab._ Not a Moslem.
KANDRISA. According to Borrow, Turkish trousers. Possibly the same as the African Arabic _?an dura_ = long s.h.i.+rt, _toga talaris_.
KAPUL UDBAGH. According to Borrow = "There is no G.o.d but one."
KAUK. _Hebr._ The furred cap of Jerusalem, according to Borrow. We may perhaps compare _?u?a_, stated by Redhouse in his _Turkish Diet_, to be a peculiar plumed head-dress worn by field-officers of the Janissaries.
KAWAR. _Arab._ An uncommon word, meaning, no doubt, a cemetery, being a corrupt form of _?abr_, a tomb.
KEBIR. _Arab._ Great.
KER, QUER. _Rom._ A house. P. ii. 153; Pp. 279; M. vii. 79; G. i. 178.
KERMOUS DEL INDE. _Arab._ A fruit; the p.r.i.c.kly pear.
KISTUR, KESTER. _Rom._ To ride. P. ii. 122; SC. refer to _uklisto_, Pp. 560; A. 14; M. viii. 89. Borrow derives it from
KJaeMPE. _Scand._ A champion. Cf. "Kempion the kingis son" in the ballad that bears his name.
KNAW. _Rom._ Now. P. ii. 124; Pp. 130; M. vii. 5.
KOSKO, KOOSHTO. _Rom._ Good. P. ii. 157. This is an Eng. Rom. word.
Continental gypsies use _latcho_, _mishto_.
KYRIE. Grk.????e, sir, my lord.
LABRADOR. _Span._ Cultivator, rustic, peasant. _Labrar_, to till the ground.
LaCHA. _Rom._ Maidenhead, virginity. Z. ii. 7; P. ii. 331; Pp. 325; M.
viii. 4.
LACHIPe. _Rom._ Silk. I cannot explain this word, unless it is connected with the following.
LACHo, fem. LACHi. _Rom._ Good. P. ii. 329; A. 49; Pp. 328; M. viii.
LADRES. _Port._ Plur. of _ladro_, a thief. Lat. _latro_.
LALORe. _Rom._ The Portuguese. LALORo, the red land. Eng. Rom.
_Lotto_ (cf. _Jackanapes_, p. 28). P. i. 54, ii. 338; Pp. 328, 339; M.
viii. 8.
LAPURRAC. _Basque_. The thieves.
LARGO. _Port._ A square, or public place in a town.
LECTURA. _Span._ Reading.
LEN. _Rom._ A river. _Len baro_, the great river; _Wady al Kebir_, the Guadalquivir. P. ii. 336; Pp. 333; M. viii. 6.
LEVANTa.r.s.e. _Span._ and _Port._ To raise one's self, rise.
LE. _Span._ To him.
LI, LIL. _Rom._ Paper; a letter,, book. P. ii. 329, 339; A.
48; Pp. 334; M. viii. 7.
LIB. _Hebr._ Heart. More correctly, _leb_.
LICEO. _Span._ School, college.
LILIPENDI. _Rom._ A simpleton. Akin to LILo, _q.v._
LILo, fem. LILi. _Rom._ Foolish, mad. P. ii. 340.
LIMOSNA, dimin. LIMOSNITA. _Span._ Alms, charity.
LINDO. _Span._ and _Port._ Beautiful, pretty.
LIRI. _Rom._ Law. P. ii. 340.
LLAVERO. _Span._ Turnkey.
LOCO. _Span._ Mad.
LOMBO. _Port._ Loin.
LONDONe. _Rom._ An Englishman; lit. a Londoner. So B., but it is probably plural. P. i. 54.
LONGANIZERO. _Span._ Sausage-maker.