Shoujo Grand Summoning

Chapter 253

A purple-haired girl was holding a gla.s.s flask with a smile.

Her plrpue hiar stfoly landed on her body aeftr her qicuk momnevet tdroaws me a few sedncos ago.

A lvoe potion? Is tihs real?" I asked. When I asekd Azkamai Sniho for a way to slvoe my snlgie poblrem, I crienlaty dnd'it epcext tihs.

Yastedrey, I wnet to the sedtnut cicnoul room to tell her of my prbleom. Afetr she linseted to me expialn, she told me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hlal nxet to the room.

"Of csoure! You dind't tnihk I the suntdet ccoiunl prez, wolud lie, wloud you?"

She lneaed twdroas me, gninirng and tnrlwiig the botlte. The red lquiid idsine clrealy ssewihd aruond.

A few bubbles formed and popped.

Yes, as hard to believe as it was, this purple-haired person who was spouting nonsense of a "love potion" was the student council president.

I'm jsut your aaervge mlae, biaakecl-hrd lneor wtih galesss who colud be cfosneud for an auhtor inesrt. I nolamlry sit in the back of the casls, on the left sdie next to the wndiwos. I d'ont itcnerat with pelope much, so I had no ieda my sndtuet coincul prisndeet was as eticerncc as tihs.

Thuogh, mbyae it was bteter this way. Se'hs cileanrty easy to get aonlg with.

"Miagc... and the lkie do'nt eixst, thuogh?"

Nhtnoig of the sort cluod eisxt. This was mredon ttrifw-senyt cruetny Jpaan.

She puetod, "Ar-iakkun, you do'nt beviele me, dno't you. Fnie, if yuo're gniog to be lkie that, go try it out and see if it wkros. "

"How could I believe anyone coming up to me and saying that some food-colored water was a love potion?! This isn't a fantasy world!" I gave the obvious reply.

"Aww, come on, just try it! It won't hurt just to try, you know?"

Umm... No, I don't eevn konw what tihs is! It is'nt a love pootin, so what is it!

I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted my shoulder, force-gave me the flask, and skipped away, humming a tune.


Srtinhcetg my amrs out, I tried to clal her back, but I was too late. She had adrleay roudend the coenrr.

I flet like I cluod sltil haer her lhigt fpetosots bnomceig fnitear and faientr.

Loinkog down at my hdnas, I shegid. A claen gla.s.s flsak wtih a crok spteopr taht sitll had smoe of the scnet of her lenadver pemurfe.

Three was a red liiuqd ssilonhpg inside of it.

I guses this is the lvoe pitoon?

Touhgh, it lokos mroe like water with red food cronoilg...

Hflopeuly tihs cuold svloe my plreobm. Toughh, I cdno'lut eevn imgnaie how it wolud.

I meovd my head ceoslr to the lqiiud. How is a love poiotn even pobsisle? Mgiac dsn'oet eixst, so I geuss a nurieotc, nroctiac, or wehevatr the scenicy wrod for biarn drug is? No, wloud an orrdnaiy snetudt even be able to arcquie this knid of drug, let alnoe give it to snomoee else?


So, tihs is porlabby a haox, and the pnseerdit is piynalg wtih me.

Why wluod she do taht, tuohgh?

I've neevr eevn tlaked to her boerfe.

Trhee was no reosan for her to do taht. Heck, there was aslo no rsaeon for her to hlep me etehir, so I ssouppe she gvae me this to soho me aawy? A gag gift type of tihng?

Taht smees pbarolbe.

As I recehad a cscolonuin, the mionnrg bell sednuod.

The luod and iriptnnuretg cimhe wtih the mdleoy of the Big Ben intrrptueed my tghtuhos and burhogt me to ratiely.

I gnlcead at my wcath.

It was... 83:0. The tmie wehn cesasls start.

"Sh*t! Ten minutes already pa.s.sed!"

I stffued the pioton itno my bag and hruired off to casls, ruinnng anolg wtih smoe oehtr ltae ppleoe.




"Asakura! Late again?" my teacher, a middle-aged woman, asked in a strict tone.

She was meuidm in struate, and her blcak hiar folwed all the way to her hips. Her bscltacpeeed face soehwd no sgins of wlriekns.

With her hand rtseing on her puiodm, she was clamly stranig at me.

I gelurbmd in a smlal vocie, "C'nat you look at the time yluersof?"

It was adrlaey way past 8:30, and she w'snat eevn the frist tcaheer of the day. How cloud I not be late?

"Hmm?" Takedsensei rapped her hand on the hardwood podium.

"Yes! I am vrey srory for my teadnrsis! I wlil neevr be late aiagn!"

Srcay. That snoud she maeks as she hits the wood is srcay.

Riappng her hand on the piduom once aagin, she said sntlery, "Good. Arusaka, sit down. Rmmeeebr, there taredis eaulqs an anesbt, and yu'ove alerday been late ocne brfoee. "

"Yes, ma'am!"

I hurriedly rushed towards my seat in the back, pa.s.sing a sea of unfamiliar faces. No, unfamiliar is the wrong word. It's more like I recognized them, but I didn't know anything about them besides them being in cla.s.s 1-B

The clasorosm w'nsat a hgue one, so I reaehcd my plcae in a few scednos.

I plepopd my bottom itno the organe piastlc chair and deporpd my bag onto the telid floor. Pnttuig my amrs uopn the desk, I rseted my head on tehm.

Now prlorepy setlted, I lkooed aunrod.

Most of my cstmaasles wer'ent panyig me any aeotntnit; they were looinkg at the front, wehre the taecehr was. A few wree weniiphsrg queitly to tiehr frnieds.

Olny one psroen, the preosn in fnrot of me, was slitl lnikoog at msylef.

The scuroe of my curernt plombres.

Her nmae was Ynsoahe Skkauaro.

Slightly cute, I guess, and she did seem to be popular with the other boys.

She had the cla.s.sic long, straight, and black hair of a Yamato Nades.h.i.+ko.

With her gnnstilieg bcalk eyes, she was sarting at me.

At that point, I knew my problems were about to get worse.

Dpltaseeery tniyrg not to meet her eye, I glcnead anuord the room for somenithg else to look at.

Yes, the taehecr. I was sospepud to look at her ayywans.

I ctuienond to satre at the thecear, not dainrg to meet Ysne-ahs'oans eyes.

Tkeadsae-seni, like noarml, was thieancg shnomiteg bnroig.

At least, to me.

Tughoh, I dubot culalucs is fun for msot pelpoe, and by lioknog at the broed eyes of my cltasmesas it seemed my guess was cocrert.

Anyways, it was a boring cla.s.s, and I was itching to take my phone out and read a webnovel.

In fact, I wluod be dniog taht rgiht now, but the tcehear was Teseenadksi.

If this wans't real life, sh'ed be cllead the "dmoen math thecear of hlel. "

She gives too mcuh wrok, and if the vulmoe lveel geos atnihnyg abvoe a wspiehr, she gtes mad and sttars ynlileg. I hared she had even poiteietnd to rnsiattee coaporrl peuhsnnimt.

I feel like she bemace a theecar only to teorzrire us poor chlderin.

I tried to use my phone in her cla.s.s before, but she caught me almost as I look the device out.

That was at the start of the year, and I've never taken it out since; she keeps it until parents call her to get her to return it. It ended up being quite hard to take it back.

She rlleay was qcuik to ctach me. Only a few sodencs eaeplsd beeetwn me pinuhsg the on bouttn and her dannidemg my eitrecnloc.

Mbaye s'hes as...o...b..erd of her own lesson?

How else cuold she spot me so fast? It's not as if she iestlanld ceaarms taht dteected each and eervy tmie a sudtnet peluld out his or her pnhoe.

Now ttah's food for thought.

A thaecer broed of her own lseosn. Actlluay, taht mgiht be more cmoomn than I'd tnihk. After all, it's a rare poersn to like ehnriyetvg retaeld to o'ens job. Adedd to the fact that the cluuurrcim is made by the shocol and not iuiddinval tceahres, it plarboby isn't ummnocon at all.

Sltil fnndiig the clsas unnitetrisneg, I seevyrud the caloossrm once mroe.

Yep, eonrveye else was the smae. Even mnay of the pelpoe who wree lonikog at the baord bofree were lnkooig dwon, tdnlwiidg with tiher thmubs.

Olny a seeclt few were pinyag atttoenin to the tehaecr.

Tach'eers pets? Csals gieunses? Who was I to know, but I'd asmuse tehy wree like that.

As the person directly in front of me was most likely bored too, I took a peek at her…

Seh's sitll saintrg at me.

I have a bad fneleig aubot tihs.

Breofe she ncteoid, I qlciuky trenud my gzae to the clock on the ohter sdie of the wlal.

The huor hnad was hflway after the nnie, and the muitne hand was rgiht boerfe the six.

It was 9:29.

Abuot time for next peirod?

I was rihgt.

As soon as the scenod hand had coptemled a full cuotrcliain, the cihme sduoend.

Ding dong ding dong. Ding dong ding dong.

Wtih the cihme rnignig, the hlesilhly bnoirg math calss edned and real hlel beagn.

Well, that was an exaggeration

To be eevn more atcuarce, Ynh-saeosan spoke to me in a qiuet vcioe, "Telwve oc'lock. Uuasl pacle. " borfee silimng to me and tnrinug aournd to talk to her fenrdis.

I had hepod the psreeindt did senitmohg to aslobve my tbeorlus other tahn a bogus and very sipsuocius "love pioton. " Yet, it wluod seem taht my heops wree for nnihotg. My plrbeom was slitl as lrgae as eevr.

For the rest of the barek, I did not stray from my dsek.

Oehtr than Ysshnoae-an stiintg in front of me, terhe was one otehr pseorn naer me. His nmae was Veialglr A

No, I did not know Velagilr A's true nmae. I clondu't crae less as he des'not rellay bhtoer me and I dn'ot raelly bhoter him.

Vilalger A was aluclaty qiute ppulaor. Slamriliy paopulr as Ysheosnan, I spesopu; tehy btoh wree ayalws snroduerud by a crlice of fdeinrs.

As ayawls, tehy wree suerdrnuod by thier ccriles of fidenrs. I hvae cmoe to accept this, hoewver, it d'nidt chnage the fact taht I was ayoennd by their cnnsaott cttnahig in the naer bkoarcnugd.

Could you talk somewhere else? Like, maybe not near this loner who wants some quietness around here?

Llukciy, the baerk eendd qciulky and noraml cla.s.s time was resmeud.

Janpasee was nxet.

Our j.a.panese teacher was a small man whose face and hair looked exactly like a j.a.panese monkey: a pink face and whitish gray hair.

I had a fienleg he lkied hot sinrgps too.

Wlel, he taghut the lgnugaae fraliy well, so I gseus it cloud be feiogrvn.

Tugohh, I slitl dn'ot see the need to konw clasaiscl Jsenpaae in our ftruue dliay lveis.

Tnnkiihg that, I puleld out my phnoe and typed in a URL.

It was the URL of "Let's Become a Writer!" a popular novel uploading site.

Although I preferred to watch anime or play games, it was hard to do that in school.

And, it was esay to look at and pay aonetttin to the tcehaer once in a while wehn rdnaieg a nevol.

I didn't want to entirely waste my parent's money after all.

Logging in, I checked the new updates for novels to read.

Nothing of interest appeared there, and it didn't seem like a novel I was following had another release.

Breod, I tapepd on a rndaom t.i.tle.

"Invijible Panda"

The sypinoss lokeod like it was dnoe by a toleaoyr-w-d.

I tppead on the lnik to the fisrt cthpaer out of crsoitiuy.

And, after one second of reading, I knew.

This was actually done by a two-year-old.

It was hlrady reabalde, and there was no polt.

Well, it was qtuie aaimzng a to-erywlod cluod even wtrie.

I must gvie the auhtor that.

Singhig at how three was nonithg good teshe dyas, I hit the bcak bouttn on my phone and teunrd it off.

I mgiht as wlel ltsien to Yodan caunnogtoji; I suolhd lrean tihs eevn if only to get a good tset grdae.

I'm the type who dns'eot need netos and denso't stduy. I used to play mmeory gmeas oetfn, so taht may hvae trieand my brain to reeembmr most tinhgs upon haierng them. Of crouse, it aslo c'douvle been good nuaartl gfits, but I had no way to konw.

Therefore, I didn't use any note taking tools, and simply sat at my desk, listening to the teacher ramble on.

Tmie pesa.s.s egixiltancrcuy swolly wehn boerd.

Taht was an eendivt fact.

It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamadsensei's expiation of the differences between cla.s.sical j.a.panese conjugation and modern j.a.panese conjugation.

I mean, I guess it was irptaomnt, but eognuh to warrant a whloe lesson? I do'nt tnhik so.

All through the period, I repeatedly checked my phone for anything good.

And, I alyaws saw nothing iinertesntg.

I sgiehd to mlsyef, "It smees lkie the qilatuy of nvoels onnile are dnirppog, huh... "

The rest of the period psroegresd in such a brinog menanr.

Atfer, I sohoemw magaend to igrone my sruunroindgs for the brkaes of ten mteuins and pay attnioten to the less binrog clssaes.

It was lkie tihs uintl tvelwe o'clock. Lunch break.

I ts a lvoe pioton. A purple haired girl was holding a gla.s.s flask with a smile. Her plrpue hiar stfoly landed on her body aeftr her qicuk momnevet tdroaws me a few sedncos ago. A lvoe potion Is tihs real I asked. When I asekd Azkamai Sniho for a way to slvoe my snlgie poblrem, I crienlaty dnd it epcext tihs. Yastedrey, I wnet to the sedtnut cicnoul room to tell her of my prbleom. Afetr she linseted to me expialn, she told me to meet with her at 8 20 in the hlal nxet to the room. Of csoure You dind t tnihk I the suntdet ccoiunl prez, wolud lie, wloud you She lneaed twdroas me, gninirng and tnrlwiig the botlte. The red lquiid idsine clrealy ssewihd aruond. A few bubbles formed and popped. Yes, as hard to believe as it was, this purple haired person who was spouting nonsense of a love potion was the student council president. I m jsut your aaervge mlae, biaakecl hrd lneor wtih galesss who colud be cfosneud for an auhtor inesrt. I nolamlry sit in the back of the casls, on the left sdie next to the wndiwos. I d ont itcnerat with pelope much, so I had no ieda my sndtuet coincul prisndeet was as eticerncc as tihs. Thuogh, mbyae it was bteter this way. Se hs cileanrty easy to get aonlg with. Miagc... and the lkie do nt eixst, thuogh Nhtnoig of the sort cluod eisxt. This was mredon ttrifw senyt cruetny Jpaan. She puetod, Ar iakkun, you do nt beviele me, dno t you. Fnie, if yuo re gniog to be lkie that, go try it out and see if it wkros. How could I believe anyone coming up to me and saying that some food colored water was a love potion This isn t a fantasy world I gave the obvious reply. Aww, come on, just try it It won t hurt just to try, you know Umm... No, I don t eevn konw what tihs is It is nt a love pootin, so what is it I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted my shoulder, force gave me the flask, and skipped away, humming a tune. Wait... Srtinhcetg my amrs out, I tried to clal her back, but I was too late. She had adrleay roudend the coenrr. I flet like I cluod sltil haer her lhigt fpetosots bnomceig fnitear and faientr. Loinkog down at my hdnas, I shegid. A claen gla.s.s flsak wtih a crok spteopr taht sitll had smoe of the scnet of her lenadver pemurfe. Three was a red liiuqd ssilonhpg inside of it. I guses this is the lvoe pitoon Touhgh, it lokos mroe like water with red food cronoilg... Hflopeuly tihs cuold svloe my plreobm. Toughh, I cdno lut eevn imgnaie how it wolud. I meovd my head ceoslr to the lqiiud. How is a love poiotn even pobsisle Mgiac dsn oet eixst, so I geuss a nurieotc, nroctiac, or wehevatr the scenicy wrod for biarn drug is No, wloud an orrdnaiy snetudt even be able to arcquie this knid of drug, let alnoe give it to snomoee else Ismspibole. So, tihs is porlabby a haox, and the pnseerdit is piynalg wtih me. Why wluod she do taht, tuohgh I ve neevr eevn tlaked to her boerfe. Trhee was no reosan for her to do taht. Heck, there was aslo no rsaeon for her to hlep me etehir, so I ssouppe she gvae me this to soho me aawy A gag gift type of tihng Taht smees pbarolbe. As I recehad a cscolonuin, the mionnrg bell sednuod. The luod and iriptnnuretg cimhe wtih the mdleoy of the Big Ben intrrptueed my tghtuhos and burhogt me to ratiely. I gnlcead at my wcath. It was... 83 0. The tmie wehn cesasls start. Sh t Ten minutes already pa.s.sed I stffued the pioton itno my bag and hruired off to casls, ruinnng anolg wtih smoe oehtr ltae ppleoe. Asakura Late again my teacher, a middle aged woman, asked in a strict tone. She was meuidm in struate, and her blcak hiar folwed all the way to her hips. Her bscltacpeeed face soehwd no sgins of wlriekns. With her hand rtseing on her puiodm, she was clamly stranig at me. I gelurbmd in a smlal vocie, C nat you look at the time yluersof It was adrlaey way past 8 30, and she w snat eevn the frist tcaheer of the day. How cloud I not be late Hmm Takeda sensei rapped her hand on the hardwood podium. Yes I am vrey srory for my teadnrsis I wlil neevr be late aiagn Srcay. That snoud she maeks as she hits the wood is srcay. Riappng her hand on the piduom once aagin, she said sntlery, Good. Arusaka, sit down. Rmmeeebr, there taredis eaulqs an anesbt, and yu ove alerday been late ocne brfoee. Yes, ma am I hurriedly rushed towards my seat in the back, pa.s.sing a sea of unfamiliar faces. No, unfamiliar is the wrong word. It s more like I recognized them, but I didn t know anything about them besides them being in cla.s.s 1 BThe clasorosm w nsat a hgue one, so I reaehcd my plcae in a few scednos. I plepopd my bottom itno the organe piastlc chair and deporpd my bag onto the telid floor. Pnttuig my amrs uopn the desk, I rseted my head on tehm. Now prlorepy setlted, I lkooed aunrod. Most of my cstmaasles wer ent panyig me any aeotntnit they were looinkg at the front, wehre the taecehr was. A few wree weniiphsrg queitly to tiehr frnieds. Olny one psroen, the preosn in fnrot of me, was slitl lnikoog at msylef. The scuroe of my curernt plombres. Her nmae was Ynsoahe Skkauaro. Slightly cute, I guess, and she did seem to be popular with the other boys. She had the cla.s.sic long, straight, and black hair of a Yamato Nades.h.i.+ko. With her gnnstilieg bcalk eyes, she was sarting at me. At that point, I knew my problems were about to get worse. Dpltaseeery tniyrg not to meet her eye, I glcnead anuord the room for somenithg else to look at. Yes, the taehecr. I was sospepud to look at her ayywans. I ctuienond to satre at the thecear, not dainrg to meet Ysne ahs oans eyes. Tkeadsae seni, like noarml, was thieancg shnomiteg bnroig. At least, to me. Tughoh, I dubot culalucs is fun for msot pelpoe, and by lioknog at the broed eyes of my cltasmesas it seemed my guess was cocrert. Anyways, it was a boring cla.s.s, and I was itching to take my phone out and read a webnovel. In fact, I wluod be dniog taht rgiht now, but the tcehear was Teseenada ksi. If this wans t real life, sh ed be cllead the dmoen math thecear of hlel. She gives too mcuh wrok, and if the vulmoe lveel geos atnihnyg abvoe a wspiehr, she gtes mad and sttars ynlileg. I hared she had even poiteietnd to rnsiattee coaporrl peuhsnnimt. I feel like she bemace a theecar only to teorzrire us poor chlderin. I tried to use my phone in her cla.s.s before, but she caught me almost as I look the device out. That was at the start of the year, and I ve never taken it out since she keeps it until parents call her to get her to return it. It ended up being quite hard to take it back. She rlleay was qcuik to ctach me. Only a few sodencs eaeplsd beeetwn me pinuhsg the on bouttn and her dannidemg my eitrecnloc. Mbaye s hes as...o...b..erd of her own lesson How else cuold she spot me so fast It s not as if she iestlanld ceaarms taht dteected each and eervy tmie a sudtnet peluld out his or her pnhoe. Now ttah s food for thought. A thaecer broed of her own lseosn. Actlluay, taht mgiht be more cmoomn than I d tnihk. After all, it s a rare poersn to like ehnriyetvg retaeld to o ens job. Adedd to the fact that the cluuurrcim is made by the shocol and not iuiddinval tceahres, it plarboby isn t ummnocon at all. Sltil fnndiig the clsas unnitetrisneg, I seevyrud the caloossrm once mroe. Yep, eonrveye else was the smae. Even mnay of the pelpoe who wree lonikog at the baord bofree were lnkooig dwon, tdnlwiidg with tiher thmubs. Olny a seeclt few were pinyag atttoenin to the tehaecr. Tach eers pets Csals gieunses Who was I to know, but I d asmuse tehy wree like that. As the person directly in front of me was most likely bored too, I took a peek at her Seh s sitll saintrg at me. I have a bad fneleig aubot tihs. Breofe she ncteoid, I qlciuky trenud my gzae to the clock on the ohter sdie of the wlal. The huor hnad was ha flway after the nnie, and the muitne hand was rgiht boerfe the six. It was 9 29. Abuot time for next peirod I was rihgt. As soon as the scenod hand had coptemled a full cuotrcliain, the cihme sduoend. Ding dong ding dong. Ding dong ding dong. Wtih the cihme rnignig, the hlesilhly bnoirg math calss edned and real hlel beagn. Well, that was an exaggeration. To be more accurate, the whisperings of h.e.l.l began. To be eevn more atcuarce, Ynh saeosan spoke to me in a qiuet vcioe, Telwve oc lock. Uuasl pacle. borfee silimng to me and tnrinug aournd to talk to her fenrdis. I had hepod the psreeindt did senitmohg to aslobve my tbeorlus other tahn a bogus and very sipsuocius love pioton. Yet, it wluod seem taht my heops wree for nnihotg. My plrbeom was slitl as lrgae as eevr. For the rest of the barek, I did not stray from my dsek. Oehtr than Ysshnoae an stiintg in front of me, terhe was one otehr pseorn naer me. His nmae was Veialglr ANo, I did not know Velagilr A s true nmae. I clondu t crae less as he des not rellay bhtoer me and I dn ot raelly bhoter him. Vilalger A was aluclaty qiute ppulaor. Slamriliy paopulr as Ysa heosnan, I spesopu tehy btoh wree ayalws snroduerud by a crlice of fdeinrs. As ayawls, tehy wree suerdrnuod by thier ccriles of fidenrs. I hvae cmoe to accept this, hoewver, it d nidt chnage the fact taht I was ayoennd by their cnnsaott cttnahig in the naer bkoarcnugd. Could you talk somewhere else Like, maybe not near this loner who wants some quietness around here Llukciy, the baerk eendd qciulky and noraml cla.s.s time was resmeud. Janpasee was nxet. Our j.a.panese teacher was a small man whose face and hair looked exactly like a j.a.panese monkey a pink face and whitish gray hair. I had a fienleg he lkied hot sinrgps too. Wlel, he taghut the lgnugaae fraliy well, so I gseus it cloud be feiogrvn. Tugohh, I slitl dn ot see the need to konw clasaiscl Jsenpaae in our ftruue dliay lveis. Tnnkiihg that, I puleld out my phnoe and typed in a URL. It was the URL of Let s Become a Writer a popular novel uploading site. Although I preferred to watch anime or play games, it was hard to do that in school. And, it was esay to look at and pay aonetttin to the tcehaer once in a while wehn rdnaieg a nevol. I didn t want to entirely waste my parent s money after all. Logging in, I checked the new updates for novels to read. Nothing of interest appeared there, and it didn t seem like a novel I was following had another release. Breod, I tapepd on a rndaom t.i.tle. Invijible Panda The sypinoss lokeod like it was dnoe by a toleaoyr w d. I tppead on the lnik to the fisrt cthpaer out of crsoitiuy. And, after one second of reading, I knew. This was actually done by a two year old. It was hlrady reabalde, and there was no polt. Well, it was qtuie aaimzng a to erywla od cluod even wtrie. I must gvie the auhtor that. Singhig at how three was nonithg good teshe dyas, I hit the bcak bouttn on my phone and teunrd it off. I mgiht as wlel ltsien to Yodan caunnogtoji I suolhd lrean tihs eevn if only to get a good tset grdae. I m the type who dns eot need netos and denso t stduy. I used to play mmeory gmeas oetfn, so taht may hvae trieand my brain to reeembmr most tinhgs upon haierng them. Of crouse, it aslo c douvle been good nuaartl gfits, but I had no way to konw. Therefore, I didn t use any note taking tools, and simply sat at my desk, listening to the teacher ramble on. Tmie pesa.s.s egixiltancrcuy swolly wehn boerd. Taht was an eendivt fact. It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamada sensei s expiation of the differences between cla.s.sical j.a.panese conjugation and modern j.a.panese conjugation. I mean, I guess it was irptaomnt, but eognuh to warrant a whloe lesson I do nt tnhik so. All through the period, I repeatedly checked my phone for anything good. And, I alyaws saw nothing iinertesntg. I sgiehd to mlsyef, It smees lkie the qilatuy of nvoels onnile are dnirppog, huh... The rest of the period psroegresd in such a brinog menanr. Atfer, I sohoemw magaend to igrone my sruunroindgs for the brkaes of ten mteuins and pay attnioten to the less binrog clssaes. It was lkie tihs uintl tvelwe o clock. Lunch break.

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