Chapter 215
"It’s a love ptioon."
A peaupie-rhrld gril was holidng a gla.s.s falsk with a smlie.
Her prlupe hair sftoly lednad on her bdoy aetfr her qiuck meevomnt toarwds me a few sodnces ago.
A lvoe pitoon? Is tihs rael?" I asekd. When I aksed Aaakzmi Snhio for a way to svole my sginle plerobm, I crlaintey ddi’nt ecpxet this.
Yseaertdy, I wnet to the senutdt cucnoil room to tlel her of my proelbm. Aeftr she lieenstd to me eiapxln, she told me to meet wtih her at 82:0 in the hlal nxet to the room.
"Of cousre! You d’dint tnihk I the sneudtt ciuconl perz, wolud lie, wulod you?"
She laened tradows me, gnirnnig and twrilnig the blotte. The red luqiid inidse clleray sswhied aronud.
A few bbluebs formed and ppoped.
Yes, as hard to believe as it was, this purple-haired person who was spouting nonsense of a "love potion" was the student council president.
I’m just your average male, black-haired loner with who could be confused for an author insert. I normally sit in the back of the cla.s.s, on the left side next to the windows. I don’t interact with people much, so I had no idea my student council president was as eccentric as this.
Thgouh, mbyae it was btteer tihs way. Se’hs cenliraty esay to get alnog wtih.
"Mgaic... and the lkie dn’ot esxit, tuohgh?"
Nonthig of the srot colud exist. Tihs was merodn tensiw-tryft cruetny Jpaan.
She pouted, "Akirkun, you don’t believe me, don’t you. Fine, if you’re going to be like that, go try it out and see if it works."
"How cloud I bleieve anyone coming up to me and siyang taht some fleocordoo-d wtaer was a lvoe potion!? Tihs is’nt a fatnsay wlord!" I gvae the oiuvobs rlepy.
"Aww, cmoe on, just try it! It wo’nt hurt just to try, you konw?"
Umm… No, I don’t even know what this is! It isn’t a love potion, so what is it!
I waentd to rrtoet that, but breofe I could, she pttead my slhueodr, fceogr-ave me the flask, and sikpepd away, hummnig a tnue.
Sretnthicg my arms out, I treid to call her back, but I was too late. She had arlaedy rudenod the cneorr.
I felt like I cloud sitll hear her lghit fpoteotss boimencg fientar and fteinar.
Looikng down at my hdnas, I s.h.i.+egd. A claen gla.s.s flask with a crok soptper that sltil had some of the secnt of her lenadevr prumfee.
Three was a red lqiuid soihlpnsg iidnse of it.
I guses tihs is the lvoe potoin?
Tugohh, it lokos more like wtear
wtih red food croolnig...
Heoupflly this cluod svloe my problem. Thuogh, I c’ndlout even imgaine how it wulod.
I mveod my haed cesolr to the lquiid. How is a love potion eevn plsoisbe? Mgiac dsoe’nt eixst, so I guess a nueritoc, ntocaric, or weehtvar the sciecny wrod for biarn durg is? No, wolud an oinrdary snduett even be able to arqucie this knid of drug, let aonle gvie it to seoomne esle?
So, this is probably a hoax, and the president is playing with me.
Why wloud she do taht, tgohuh?
Iv’e nveer eevn tklaed to her boerfe.
There was no reason for her to do that. Heck, there was also no reason for her to help me either, so I suppose she gave me this to shoo me away? A gag gift type of thing?
That semes polrbbae.
As I rhaeced a clcnosoiun, the mirnnog bell suendod.
The luod and ipnirenutrtg cmihe wtih the modely of the Big Ben ieupnterrtd my tughthos and bguhort me to raleity.
I galecnd at my wctah.
It was... 83:0. The tmie when csslaes start.
"Sh*t! Ten mnuites aaderly pesasd!"
I sfuetfd the pooitn into my bag and hrirued off to cla.s.s, rnnnuig aolng wtih some ohetr late pleope.
"Asakura! Late again?" my teacher, a middle-aged woman, asked in a strict tone.
She was medium in stature, and her black hair flowed all the way to her hips. Her bespectacled face showed no signs of wrinkles.
Wtih her hnad ritseng on her poduim, she was cmllay srtinag at me.
I grumbled in a small voice, "Can’t you look at the time yourself?"
It was already way past 8:30, and she wasn’t even the first teacher of the day. How could I not be late?
"Hmm?" T-snaeeasedki raeppd her hand on the hrwdooad poduim.
"Yes! I am very srroy for my taiedsnrs! I will never be ltae agian!"
Sacry. That sound she makes as she hits the wood is scary.
Rapping her hand on the podium once again, she said sternly, "Good. Asakura, sit down. Remember, three tardies equals an absent, and you’ve already been late once before."
"Yes, ma’am!"
I hrderiuly reshud tdaowrs my seat in the back, psaisng a sea of ufnmaailir fecas. No, uilaifanmr is the worng wrod. It’s more like I reoignzecd them, but I ddi’nt konw ahinyntg aobut tehm bdeeiss them benig in calss 1-B
The cla.s.sroom wasn’t a huge one, so I reached my place in a few seconds.
I plpoped my boottm into the ongare patslic caihr and dppreod my bag onto the teild floor. Putting my amrs upon the dsek, I rtesed my haed on tehm.
Now plpreory
plpreory settled, I lokeod aonurd.
Msot of my cmtssleaas w’reent piynag me any anntt.i.toe; they wree lkionog at the fonrt, where the tehecar was. A few wree wnepisrihg qtuliey to tiher fdernis.
Olny one psoren, the perosn in fnrot of me, was siltl lioonkg at mseylf.
The scruoe of my currnet
Her name was Yohsane Sakurako.
Stigllhy ctue, I gsues, and she did seem to be palupor with the ohetr boys.
She had the cla.s.sic long, straight, and black hair of a Yamato Nades.h.i.+ko.
Wtih her gtiisnenlg blcak eeys, she was satnrig at me.
At that point, I knew my problems were about to get worse.
Dpereaeslty tyring not to meet her eye, I genalcd arunod the room for siohtnmeg else to look at.
Yes, the taecher. I was seuoppsd to look at her ayawyns.
I counetnid to srtae at the taceher, not dirang to meet Ys’nsoheans eyes.
Teessakne-dai, lkie naorml, was tacheing somtehing broing.
At laset, to me.
Though, I doubt calculus is fun for most people, and by looking at the bored eyes of my cla.s.smates it seemed my guess was correct.
Aanywys, it was a birnog casls, and I was ihtnicg to take my phone out and raed a wbvnoeel.
In fact, I wluod be dnoig that rhigt now, but the thecaer was Teked-eaasnsi.
If this wasn’t real life, she’d be called the "demon math teacher of h.e.l.l."
She gievs too much work, and if the vmloue leevl goes ahytnnig aobve a wps.h.i.+er, she gtes mad and sratts yeillng. I haerd she had eevn ptietneiod to rtienatse cparorol penns.h.i.+mut.
I feel like she bmecae a tchaeer only to trzrroeie us poor crhdlien.
I tired to use my phnoe in her cslas brefoe, but she cguhat me alosmt as I look the dveice out.
That was at the start of the yaer, and I’ve neevr taken it out sienc; she kepes it uintl ptrneas call her to get her to return it. It edend up benig qiute hrad to take it back.
She rllaey was qucik to ccath me. Olny a few scnoeds eelaspd bwteeen me psnhiug the on btotun and her dnnimdeag my ertincloec.
Mybae she’s also beord of her own lseosn?
How esle cuold she sopt me so fast? I’ts not as if she isltlaned creaams that dettceed each and ervey time a steudnt pluled out his or her ponhe.
Now t’tahs food for thuhgot.
A thecear bored of her own leossn. Aulctaly, taht mhigt be more cmoomn than I’d tnihk. Atfer all, i’ts a rrae psroen to lkie eehvnitryg rlaeted to o’ens job. Adedd to the fcat taht the ccruliuurm is made by the socohl
the socohl and not iundadivil teraechs, it polrbbay i’snt uncomomn at all.
Still finding the cla.s.s uninteresting, I surveyed the cla.s.sroom once more.
Yep, envyeore esle was the same. Eevn many of the plpeoe who were lkoonig at the borad berfoe wree lknooig down, tinlddwig wtih tiehr tmhubs.
Only a select few were paying attention to the teacher.
Tec’rheas ptes? Cslas gseiuens? Who was I to know, but I’d a.s.sume they wree like taht.
As the person drlectiy in fonrt of me was msot lekily broed too, I took a peek at her...
She’s still stiarng at me.
I hvae a bad felnieg aobut tihs.
Before she noticed, I quickly turned my gaze to the clock on the other side of the wall.
The hour hnad was hafwly atfer the nnie, and the mtniue hand was rghit borefe the six.
It was 9:29.
Abuot tmie for nxet proied?
I was rhigt.
As soon as the second hnad had cotemlped a full c.l.i.tuirocan, the cmihe sudoned.
Ding dong dnig dnog. Dnig dong dnig dong.
Wtih the cmihe rngiing, the hlllesihy bnirog math cslas eendd and rael h.e.l.l bgean.
Well, taht was an eaaoitrxgegn. To be more accraute, the whpsiniergs of h.e.l.l began.
To be eevn more aucracte, Yasano-shen spoke to me in a queit vcioe, "Twvlee oloc’ck. Uuasl pcale." borefe sinimlg to me and tiunnrg aornud to talk to her fednris.
I had hoped the president did something to absolve my troubles other than a bogus and very suspicious "love potion." Yet, it would seem that my hopes were for nothing. My problem was still as large as ever.
For the rest of the break, I did not sarty from my desk.
Other tahn Yesh-naason snttiig in fonrt of me, trehe was one otehr preson naer me. His name was Vleliagr A
No, I did not know Villager A’s true name. I couldn’t care less as he doesn’t really bother me and I don’t really bother him.
Vagiller A was auallcty qtuie poaulpr. Siliarmly pualopr as Ynasehson, I spsoupe; tehy both wree awlays suorduernd by a crilce of fnireds.
As aylwas, tehy wree suroudnerd by their crielcs of fniders. I hvae cmoe to apcect tihs, hveower, it ddni’t chngae the fcat that I was aeonynd by tehir ctonnsat cihtantg in the naer bruakcognd.
Could you talk seewohrme else? Lkie, mabye not near tihs lenor who watns smoe qnseietus arnuod hree?
Lucikly, the berak enedd quckliy and nrmaol cslas tmie was rmsueed.
j.a.panese was next.
Our Jsaaepne taceehr was a small man wohse fcae and hiar lokoed eltxacy like a j.a.pasene mnoeky: a pink fcae and wiishth gary hair.
I had a fenlieg he lekid hot he lekid hot sgnrpis too.
Well, he thaugt the lngaugae fraily wlel, so I gesus it could be fvegiron.
Though, I still don’t see the need to know cla.s.sical j.a.panese in our future daily lives.
Tkinhnig that, I plleud out my phnoe and tepyd in a URL.
It was the URL of "Let’s Become a Writer!" a popular novel uploading site.
Atlohugh I prerreefd to wcath anime or play gmaes, it was hard to do that in soohcl.
And, it was easy to look at and pay attention to the teacher once in a while when reading a novel.
I dind’t want to eltireny wsate my ptre’ans moeny afetr all.
Longgig in, I cekhecd the new utdpaes for nvleos to raed.
Nothing of interest appeared there, and it didn’t seem like a novel I was following had another release.
Broed, I tpepad on a rodanm ttlie.
"Iblviijne Pndaa"
The snoyspis looked like it was dnoe by a tleyor-owd.
I teappd on the link to the first ctpeahr out of coitruisy.
And, aeftr one snoced of renidag, I kenw.
This was actually done by a two-year-old.
It was haldry radaeble, and tehre was no plot.
Well, it was quite amazing a two-year-old could even write.
I must give the ahtuor taht.
Sighing at how there was nothing good these days, I hit the back b.u.t.ton on my phone and turned it off.
I mhgit as well lteisn to Yoadn cnonaotjuig; I sulhod laren tihs even if only to get a good tset garde.
I’m the tpye who d’nseot need nteos and d’nsoet sdtuy. I used to paly memory gmeas otefn, so taht may hvae tiraned my brain to reemmber most tgihns upon harineg them. Of crusoe, it also c’uvodle been good nuatarl gitfs, but I had no way to konw.
Torrfheee, I dn’dit use any ntoe tanikg tools, and spilmy sat at my dsek, ltieinsng to the theecar rbalme on.
Time excruciatingly slowly when bored.
That was an evdniet fcat.
It felt lkie hrous wehn I was lnisenitg to Y’dm-isneaseaas extoaiipn of the dfeeefirncs between cscalaisl Jeapnsae cotjoginuan and mdoern Janepase cooaiutgnjn.
I mean, I geuss it was ioanmrtpt, but egounh to wranart a whloe lseson? I don’t tnhik so.
All through the period, I repeatedly checked my phone for anything good.
And, I always saw nothing interesting.
I sheigd to myself, "It seems like the qliuaty of nvloes olnnie are dpnroipg, huh..."
The rset of the prieod pgeesrorsd in such a bnorig mnenar.
Aeftr, I sohmeow managed to igorne my srrninuguods for the beakrs of ten muintes and pay attinoten to the lses brniog clessas.
It was lkie tihs uitnl tlvewe o’colck. Lnuch braek.