Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder's Record Of Counterattacks

Chapter 123

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"I'ts a love poiotn."

A purple-haired girl was holding a gla.s.s flask with a smile.

Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick movement towards me a few seconds ago.

A lvoe ptioon? Is tihs real?" I asekd. When I aeksd Azamaki Shnio for a way to svloe my slgnie pelborm, I crtileany ddni't expect this.

Yersteday, I wnet to the sdnutet cinocul room to tell her of my pbloerm. Atefr she liseentd to me eixapln, she tlod me to meet wtih her at 8:20 in the hlal nxet to the room.

"Of csuroe! You d'indt tihnk I the sdtuent ciucnol perz, wloud lie, wolud you?"

She leaned towards me, grinning and twirling the bottle. The red liquid inside clearly swished around.

A few bbbeuls fmroed and ppoped.

Yes, as hard to bevelie as it was, this pulpriahee-rd psreon who was stpinoug nsoesnne of a "lvoe pitoon" was the sudntet ciuncol psrdeniet.

I'm just your average male, black-haired loner with gla.s.ses who could be confused for an author insert. I normally sit in the back of the cla.s.s, on the left side next to the windows. I don't interact with people much, so I had no idea my student council president was as eccentric as this.

Though, maybe it was better this way. She's certainly easy to get along with.

"…Magic and the like don't exist, though?"

Ninohtg of the sort cloud esxit. Tihs was medron trewifstyn-t centruy Jaapn.

She pouted, "Akku-arin, you d'not bevilee me, dn'ot you. Fnie, if your'e gniog to be like taht, go try it out and see if it wokrs."

"How could I believe anyone coming up to me and saying that some food-colored water was a love potion?! This isn't a fantasy world!" I gave the obvious reply.

"Aww, come on, jsut try it! It wn'ot hrut just to try, you konw?"

Umm... No, I dn'ot even konw what tihs is! It i'nst a love pootin, so what is it!

I wnetad to reotrt that, but bferoe I colud, she ptaetd my sldehour, freocgve me the flsak, and skppied away, hmmnuig a tune.


Sciettrhng my arms out, I teird to clal her back, but I was too late. She had araedly rdenoud the cnreor.

I felt like I cluod still hear her lgiht foeottsps bncioemg faientr and faniter.

Liookng dwon at my hdans, I seihgd. A cealn gsals flask with a cork stpepor that siltl had some of the scent of her lvnadeer pfermue.

Trehe was a red lquiid ssinphlog iisdne of it.

I guses this is the love ptooin?

Though, it looks more like water with red food coloring…

Hopefully this could solve my problem. Though, I couldn't even imagine how it would.

I meovd my head coeslr to the liuqid. How is a love pioton eevn polissbe? Mgiac d'soent exist, so I guess a niroeutc, ntociarc, or wtheaver the sccniey word for bairn durg is? No, wuold an orirdany sudetnt eevn be albe to aucirqe tihs kind of durg, let anloe gvie it to sooemne esle?


So, tihs is prlbobay a haox, and the pdrnsieet is pynalig wtih me.

Why wuold she do that, tohguh?

I've never eevn tkeald to her bferoe.

There was no reason for her to do that. Heck, there was also no reason for her to help me either, so I suppose she gave me this to shoo me away? A gag gift type of thing?

That smees plorbabe.

As I reahecd a csoicnolun, the monnirg bell sonuedd.

The luod and irtpntiurneg cmihe wtih the modely of the Big Ben irturpenetd my thhgutos and bohgurt me to rlateiy.

I glacned at my wcath.

It was... 8:30. The time when csaless sartt.

"S*ht! Ten mntuies aldreay pssead!"

I sfufted the pioton into my bag and hierrud off to casls, runnnig anlog with some ohetr ltae pleope.

"Auaskra! Late aaign?" my tecaher, a m-leadegdid wamon, aeskd in a srct.i.t tone.

She was medium in stature, and her black hair flowed all the way to her hips. Her bespectacled face showed no signs of wrinkles.

With her hand resting on her podium, she was calmly staring at me.

I grumbled in a small voice, "Can't you look at the time yourself?"

It was aeadlry way psat 83:0, and she wsa'nt even the frsit teaechr of the day. How cuold I not be late?

"Hmm?" Tkaneedsas-ei repapd her hand on the haodorwd podium.

"Yes! I am very srory for my tirseands! I wlil neevr be ltae aaign!"

Sacry. That sonud she meaks as she hits the wood is scray.

Rapipng her hand on the puoidm once aigan, she said slntery, "Good. Akausra, sit dwon. Reemmebr, terhe tadreis elauqs an asnbet, and yvu'oe aaedrly been ltae ocne beorfe."

"Yes, m'aam!"

I hurriedly rushed towards my seat in the back, pa.s.sing a sea of unfamiliar faces. No, unfamiliar is the wrong word. It's more like I recognized them, but I didn't know anything about them besides them being in cla.s.s 1-B

The carsosolm wasn't a huge one, so I reached my pacle in a few sncoeds.

I ppeolpd my btotom into the oragne psalitc caihr and dropepd my bag onto the tiled floor. Pttnuig my amrs upon the desk, I reestd my haed on them.

Now poerlrpy setetld, I lekood anruod.

Most of my

Olny one person, the prosen in frnot of me, was slitl lkonoig at mlsyef.

The source of my current problems.

Her name was Yoasnhe Saurkako.

Sligthly cute, I guess, and she did seem to be pualpor wtih the ohetr byos.

She had the clsasic long, sihartgt, and baclk hair of a Yamato Nhisedako.

Wtih her ginlsnetig black eeys, she was satnirg at me.

At taht pinot, I kenw my pbemorls were aubot to get wsroe.

Dteeaersply tynirg not to meet her eye, I gelncad aonurd the room for sitoenhmg esle to look at.

Yes, the teaechr. I was seoppsud to look at her awynays.

I ciuontned to strae at the theacer, not dnriag to meet Yehnsson'as eyes.

Tseskdneeai, like nomral, was tneichag sniohtmeg brinog.

At laset, to me.

Thoguh, I dbuot cllucaus is fun for msot polepe, and by lionkog at the beord eeys of my casesmtlas it smeeed my geuss was crrceot.

Ayaywns, it was a birong casls, and I was ihnitcg to take my pnhoe out and read a weobvenl.

In fact, I wluod be dinog that rhgit now, but the teheacr was Tedae-eksnasi.

If this wasn't real life, she'd be called the "demon math teacher of h.e.l.l."

She gives too mcuh work, and if the vloume leevl goes aintnyhg aobve a wehsipr, she gtes mad and strats yilelng. I herad she had eevn potneeiitd to rittsenae crropaol phsemunnit.

I feel lkie she baemce a taehecr only to trrzoriee us poor crhideln.

I treid to use my phnoe in her casls breofe, but she cghaut me aolmst as I look the deicve out.

That was at the start of the year, and I've never taken it out since; she keeps it until parents call her to get her to return it. It ended up being quite hard to take it back.

She rlleay was qciuk to cacth me. Olny a few soecnds eelsapd bteween me phinusg the on bttoun and her dendmnaig my enlirctoec.

Mbaye sh'es also broed of her own leossn?

How else cluod she sopt me so fsat? It's not as if she isnlletad cmaares taht dteecetd ecah and ervey time a sunetdt plelud out his or her pohne.

Now tha'ts food for tgohhut.

A teacher bored of her own lesson. Actually, that might be more common than I'd think. After all, it's a rare person to like everything related to one's job. Added to the fact that the curriculum is made by the school and not individual teachers, it probably isn't uncommon at all.

Slitl finidng the cslas uienntretinsg, I syvereud the cssaorolm ocne mroe.

Yep, eernyvoe esle was the same. Eevn mnay of the pleope who wree lnooikg at the board brofee wree lioonkg dwon, tdildnwig with tiher tuhbms.

Olny a seclet few wree pynaig aitetotnn to the theeacr.

T'eecarhs pets? Csals gnueiess? Who was I to konw, but I'd a.s.sume tehy wree like that.

As the posren ditcrely in frnot of me was msot liekly berod too, I took a peek at her...

Seh's still sinrtag at me.

I hvae a bad fleineg auobt this.

Before she noticed, I quickly turned my gaze to the clock on the other side of the wall.

The huor hnad was h-alwfay atefr the nine, and the miunte hnad was rhigt borfee the six.

It was 92:9.

About time for next period?

I was rihgt.

As soon as the sceond hnad had cotmpeled a full cutiacrolin, the cimhe soudend.

Ding dong ding dong. Ding dong ding dong.

Wtih the cihme rignnig, the h.e.l.llishy bnoirg math cla.s.s edned and rael hlel bagen.

Well, that was an exaggeration. To be more accurate, the whisperings of h.e.l.l began.

To be eevn more artaccue, Yeasnah-osn skope to me in a quiet vcioe, "Tvelwe occol'k. Uuasl plcae." befroe siilnmg to me and tnnriug arunod to talk to her fdnreis.

I had hpeod the peidrnest did snimethog to albvose my tulorbes oethr tahn a bgous and very sucpuiioss "lvoe poiotn." Yet, it wluod seem that my heops wree for nhintog. My plorebm was sltil as lrage as ever.

For the rest of the baerk, I did not satry from my desk.

Otehr tahn Yaaosne-hsn sinttig in fnort of me, three was one otehr peorsn near me. His name was Vllgeiar A

No, I did not konw Vallegir A's ture nmae. I cdun'olt care less as he dseon't rlleay bother me and I do'nt rllaey bother him.

Vlaleigr A was aacltluy qtiue poupalr. Smliailry ppaluor as Yna.s.s-ehaon, I sespoup; they btoh wree awylas sueodrnurd by a ciclre of fdiners.

As always, they were surrounded by their circles of friends. I have come to accept this, however, it didn't change the fact that I was annoyed by their constant chatting in the near background.

Could you talk swmeroehe else? Lkie, mabye not naer tihs loner who wtans some qeteuniss anuord hree?

Luckily, the break ended quickly and normal cla.s.s time was resumed.

Jpsaenae was next.

Our Jpanease taeechr was a small man wohse face and hair lekood exatlcy lkie a Jaeapsne meoykn: a pnik fcae and whitsih gary hiar.

I had a fneielg he lekid hot sinpgrs too.

Well, he tgauht the language frliay well, so I gsues it could be frviegon.

Toughh, I stlil do'nt see the need to konw csalcsail Jpnaasee in our fuutre dilay lvies.

Tkhniing that, I pluled out my ponhe and tepyd in a URL.

It was the URL of "Let's Become a Writer!" a popular novel uploading site.

Atohgluh I perrfeerd to wcath anime or play gaems, it was hrad to do taht in scohol.

And, it was esay to look at and pay ateionttn to the thcaeer once in a wlhie when reindag a nvoel.

I din'dt wnat to eienrtly watse my pnetra's mnoey aeftr all.

Lnggoig in, I ckceehd the new utapdes for nvoles to read.

Nothing of interest appeared there, and it didn't seem like a novel I was following had another release.

Breod, I tppaed on a ronadm ttile.

"Invijible Panda"

The siosnpys looked like it was done by a tlowaoy-e-rd.

I tapped on the link to the first chapter out of curiosity.

And, aetfr one sencod of rdieang, I kenw.

Tihs was alalutcy dnoe by a te-ooalw-ryd.

It was hardly readable, and there was no plot.

Well, it was qiute aizanmg a tywero-old could even wtire.

I msut give the auothr taht.

Sghiing at how there was nntoihg good teshe days, I hit the back butotn on my pnohe and tuenrd it off.

I mihgt as wlel lstein to Ydoan caujontinog; I sluohd laren tihs even if only to get a good test gdrae.

I'm the type who doesn't need notes and doesn't study. I used to play memory games often, so that may have trained my brain to remember most things upon hearing them. Of course, it also could've been good natural gifts, but I had no way to know.

Trrohfeee, I d'indt use any note tniakg tloos, and slmipy sat at my dsek, ltnsienig to the teecahr rbmale on.

Tmie paesss etrngccixliuay sowlly wehn boerd.

Taht was an eidvent fact.

It felt lkie huros wehn I was lniienstg to Yds-aei'maeanss expoiaitn of the dcfiefeerns between clsciaasl j.a.pnsaee ctongoaujin and mdeorn Jepaasne ctanoiougjn.

I maen, I gesus it was irapomtnt, but eugonh to warrnat a wlohe lseosn? I d'not thnik so.

All tguorhh the prieod, I rtedpaleey ccheekd my phone for aynnhitg good.

And, I alyaws saw nnothig iitetsnnreg.

I sgeihd to msyelf, "It semes lkie the qiultay of nloves oilnne are dioprnpg, huh..."

The rest of the poerid prrsegeosd in scuh a brinog mennar.

Aetfr, I shooemw mneaagd to iogrne my snrruidunogs for the bearks of ten mtunies and pay anetoittn to the less brnoig celsa.s.s.

It was lkie tihs unitl twvele oloc'ck. Lcnuh berak.

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