Chapter 190
Aug. 12--German attempt to reoccupy Eydtkuhnen unsuccessful; Austrians and Germans defeated on Russian frontier; Russian visitors to German health resorts tell of ill-treatment; Servians and Montenegrins advance on Bosnia; Prince George of Servia wounded.
Aug. 13--Russians capture Sokal; Cossacks annihilate two Austrian-cavalry regiments; German troops before Kalisz threaten to shoot every tenth inhabitant if further resistance is shown.
Aug. 14--Russians defeat Austrians on the Dniester; unrest in Turkey.
Aug. 15--Berlin reports capture of 23 Russian Generals and Admirals by Germans; Greece wants explanation from Turkey of concentration of troops near border; Russians raid East Prussia; fighting between Austrians and Servians on the Save and the Danube; Turkish Amba.s.sador says Turkey was not hostile in buying German cruisers.
Aug. 16--Germans fail to retake Eydtkuhnen.
Aug. 17--Russia demands of Turkey unrestricted use of Dardanelles; prisoners a problem for both sides; Russian Army marches on Austria and Germany; minor engagements on frontier; Servians check Austrians'
advance; Greece hears that Turkish troops are approaching and sends warning that corresponding measures will be taken.
Aug. 18--Servia reports Austrian defeat near Saboc.
Aug. 19--Austrians defeated by Serbs at Shabats; Russians report victory over Austrians in Padolia; Germans report capture of Russians in East Prussia; Russians driven out of Germany; Italian refugees complain of German outrages.
Aug. 20--Russians occupy Gumbinnen and Lyck in East Prussia; Austrians occupy Miechow, Russian Poland.
Aug. 21--Serbs defeat Austrians in four days' battle near Losnitza; Russians successfully advance on Austro-German frontier.
Aug. 22--Russians report continued successes on Austro-German frontier; Servians report capture of Austrian guns in pursuit of defeated force across the Drina.
Aug. 23--Russian Army pushes fifty miles into Prussia, capturing three towns; Servian version of victory at Losnitza confirmed in Rome; Montenegrins continue attack.
Aug. 24--Austria abandons Servian campaign to meet Russian attack; two Russian armies crush Germans in the east; retreating armies lay waste the country.
Aug. 25--Russians spread on broad front over East Prussia and Galicia and repulse Austrians at Kielce; Germans report Russian defeat near Gumbinnen; Servians chase Austrians along whole front; report of German outrages on Jews in Kalisz.
Aug. 26--Russians sweep over Prussia in three lines, menacing Konigsberg and Posen; Germans reported fleeing from Elbing district; report of Russian advance into Austria; Austrians drive Russians from Krasnik.
Aug. 27--Russians take Tilsit; Germans retreat toward Konigsberg and Allenstein; Austrians routed in Galicia; French troops join Montenegrins to operate against Austria.
Aug. 28--Russians reach Allenstein; Russians continue advance in Galicia; Serbs defeat Austrians at Shabats.
Aug. 29--Russians invest Konigsberg and occupy Allenstein; Germans claim victories; Russians draw net around Lemberg; Austrians claim occupation of Zamost.
Aug. 30--Russians advance in East Prussia, to the Vistula and bombard Thorn and Graudenz; panic in Danzig; battle between Russians and Austrians in Poland; Austrians defeated at Lemberg; Russians gain ground against Austrians and win battle at Zamost; Germans
Sept. 1--Russians inflict crus.h.i.+ng defeat on Austrians on Galician frontier; Germans announce defeat of three Russian army corps near Allenstein.
Sept. 2--Russians seize fortified positions around Lemberg, admit advance into East Prussia temporarily checked; new invasion of Germany planned; Turkey lands troops in Asia Minor; Montenegrins defeat Austrians near Bilek.
Sept. 3--Austrians report success at Lublin; Cossacks rout German scouting party from Thorn; Russians take capital of Bukowina.
Sept. 5--Russians take Lemberg and Halicz and march toward Poland; Austrians defeated at Tomaszow; Russian refugees tell of destruction of Kalisch by Germans; twenty Russian army corps march on Prussia, ten hold Austria back; Austrians defeated near Lublin.
Sept. 6--Russians attack Germans on left bank of the Vistula, occupy Stryk regions, capture Forty-fifth Austrian Regiment near Krasnystaw, capture Austrian aeroplane and a Zeppelin and take year's provisions at Lemberg.
Sept. 7--Austrians retreat; Russians closing in on Przemysl.
Sept. 8--Russians take Nikolaieff and Mikolajow; Gen. Ruzsky engages Gen. Auffenberg's army in Poland; Austrians claim advance into Russian Poland and defeat of Serbs near Mitrovica; Servian invasion of Bosnia begun.
Sept. 9--Battle at Rava-Russka; Austrians evacuate Russian Poland; Germans claim capture of part of Russian Imperial Guard; Serbs and Montenegrins advance into Bosnia.
Sept. 10--Russians invade Silesia and menace Breslau; Austro-German forces defeated at Lublin; Serbs cross the Save.
Sept. 11--Serbs take Semlin; Montenegrins take Folcha and join with Serbs in march on Serajevo; Germans defeat invading Finland force at Lyck; Polish miners at Berdzin wreck German train by concealing explosive in fuel; Russians occupy Suczawa and Hatna; Russians fight on Austrian and German border; Austrians resume offensive near Lemberg.
Sept. 12--Russians defeat Austrians in battle near Tomaszow; German attack in East Prussia checked; successes of Serbs against Austrians continue.
Sept. 13--Russian victories west and northwest of Lemberg; Russo-Serb Army plans advance on Budapest; Montenegrins will invest Bosnia.
Sept. 14--Austrians rally for battle before Przemsyl; Russians cross the San; Germans defeated near Miawa and send reinforcements to Memel.
Sept. 15--Russians occupy Grodek; Austrians hemmed in between Rivers San and Vistula; Germans report defeat of Russian Armies of Vina and Grodno; Russians say Germans have been driven back across frontier; Serbs invade Hungary.
Sept. 16--Austrians still retreat in Galicia; Servians continue advance into Bosnia; Montenegrins defeat Austrians near Koulilovo.
Sept. 17--Austrians flee before Russians toward Cracow; Gen. Rennekampf blocks flanking movement by Germans; Servian artillery repulses Austrian wars.h.i.+ps that sh.e.l.l Semlin and Belgrade.
Sept. 18--Russians take Siniava and Sambor; Austrian rear guard thrown back beyond the San; prisoners and ammunition captured near Memirov; Germans advance against Russians in Suwalki Province; Russians halt offensive German movement and plan new invasion of East Poland; Germans retreat from Kielce Province to rally Austrians defeated at Krasnik; Russians enter Kazeshow.
Sept. 20--Russians attack Jaroslaw and Przemysl and seize Sambor and Kresheshov; Gen. Auffenberg's army separated from Gen. Dankl's; Germans defeated near Sandomierz; Gen. Rennenkampf checks German advance in East Prussia; Servians defeat Austrians near Novi-Bazar.
Sept. 21--Russians take Dubiecko and surround Gen. Dankl's army; Servians win near Krupani, evacuate Semlin.
Sept. 22--Austrians defeated on the Drina near Krupani; Russians occupy Jaroslaw and again move to attack Konigsberg.
Sept. 23--Russians take Wislok; Austrian retreat from Przemysl through Carpathians cut off; Cossacks raid Czenstochowa; French land guns at Antivari.
Sept. 24--Advance guards of Russian forces arrive before Cracow; Germans defeated at Subin; Russians again occupy Soldau; Montenegrins report capture of Pratzho and Montak in Bosnia.
Sept. 25--Russians occupy Czyschky and Felstyn; Germans occupy Cracow, population flees; Przemysl cut off from all communication; battle between Serbs and Austrians near Zvorkni.
Sept. 26--Greater part of Przemysl occupied by Russians; Germans concentrated in Prussia for impending battle.
Sept. 27--Russians halt German advance in Suwalki and enter town of Przemysl; Serbs and Montenegrins reach Rumania; Germans in weak position on the Niemen River.
Sept. 28--Montenegrins within artillery range of Serajevo; Serbs occupy mountains near by; Bosnians join invading army; Russians occupy Dembica and take another fort at Przemysl, cross Carpathians, and invade Hungary.
Sept. 29--Russians sweep across the Carpathians and over Northern Hungary; Servians retake Semlin.
Sept. 30--Germans fail in attempt to cross the River Niemen; retreating Austrians surrounded near Dukia; Hungarians retake Uzsok Pa.s.s; Servians and Montenegrins close to capital of Bosnia.
Oct. 2--Russians break German centre and take up new battle line from Mariampol to Ossowitz; Germans bombard Ossowitz; Russians claim victories in Lodz and Suwalki, and take two Przemysl forts.
Oct. 3--Germans are evacuating Russian Poland; Russians advance on Transylvania; fighting at Augustowo; Servians raid Semlin and destroy forts.