Chapter 39
{278} By the Rev. Legh Richmond (1772-1827). Elizabeth Wallbridge, the dairyman's daughter, is buried at Arreton, in the Isle of Wight; and 2,000,000 copies of the tract, which was written in 1809, are said to have been sold in the author's lifetime.
{287} _The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders_, by Daniel Defoe, appeared on 27th January 1722.
{293} Quite incredible. Norwich had its own papers.
{306} By Prof. Knapp identified with William Gifford (1757-1826), translator of Juvenal, editor of the _Anti-Jacobin_, the _Quarterly Review_, etc.; but Mr. Leslie Stephen argues, in _Literature_ (April 8, 1899, p. 375), that Gifford was then a rich bachelor with a sinecure of 1000 pounds a year, and that a much likelier identification is with John Carey (1756-1826), the "_Gradus_ Carey," who edited Quintilian in 1822, and did work for Sir Richard Phillips.
{316a} _Celebrated Trials_ (6 vols., 1825).
{316b} _The Universal Review_, March 1824-Jan. 1825.
{324} 29th April 1824.
{326} The ex-mayor, Robert Hawkes.
{328} Benjamin Robert Haydon (1786-1846), who shot himself in his studio.
{335} George Borrow about this time suffered much from the horrors, and meditated suicide (Knapp, i. 96-98).
{340} Byron's corpse, on its way from Missolonghi to Hucknall Church, near Newstead in Notts, was removed on Monday, 12th July 1814, from Sir Edward Knatchbull's house in Great George Street, Westminster, at 11 a.m.
{365} John Murray (1778-1843), publisher, the second of the name, the first of Albemarle Street.
{386} _Tarno_ means simply "young" or "little."
{397} _Romantic Ballads_, _translated from the Danish_, _and Miscellaneous Pieces_, by George Borrow, did appear in Norwich in 1826.